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  The morning of my daughter’s first school play I had an appointment1. It was a meeting with a prospective client about a contract that would potentially pay the mortgage for three months.2
  I went to the play, getting a seat in the front row. I even brought my mum along in case it overran3. But, not wanting to be late for my appointment, I crept to the back just before the end so I could make a quick getaway.4 My daughter, who was just three at the time, noticed my empty seat and started to cry.
  Cue commotion from the other mothers.5 Where had I gone? From my vantage point just outside the doorway, I heard one say loudly and disapprovingly:6 “She’s gone to work.” I watched as some of the others tutted7 and rolled their eyes.
  My stomach went cold. Was it really so terrible to have a career and be a mum? I was reminded of this when I learned I was going to be travelling overseas for work twice next month. The timing could be better but as a self-employed writer and PR coach I have to take opportunities when they come along.8
  But pretty much9 every time I travel abroad for work, I end up having conversations like this:
  Female friend: “But don’t you feel guilty about leaving your daughter?”
  Me: “Not really. I’ll miss her lot, but she’ll be with her dad. I suspect they’ll enjoy a bit of quality time together, cooking dinners and watching films I don’t like.”10
  Female friend: “You’re very brave. I don’t think I could leave mine.”
  I expect to hear variations of such comments numerous times over the coming weeks.11 I share this because it troubles me that at a time when more mothers are working outside the home (which is a good thing, right?) there seems to be a widespread belief that there should be constraints around the way they work.12
  It’s OK for a mum to have a job—as long as it’s part-time, fits around the school run or means she doesn’t have to leave the school play early or fly to the other side of the world now and again to earn a crust.13 It’s a belief that seems particularly worrying when you consider that, according to the IPPR, a third of Britain’s working mothers are the main earners in their family (and “low earners” to boot).14
  It also worries me that women are dishing out15 judgment on other women. I’m only speaking from my own experience, but I’ve not been questioned by a single man about my decision to work abroad a few times a year. “Lucky you! Send us a postcard,” is the typical response.   Yet during the decade I’ve been a working mum I’ve received numerous critical16 comments from women about my work choices. There is the friend (whose husband earns a six-figure salary) who said she was sorry if I was offended but she could never leave her baby with a childminder like I did, the relative who said the nursery I’d carefully chosen was “like a Romanian orphanage”; and the friend who said I needed to be “less selfish” and put my career aspirations on hold while my daughter was small.17
  I think running my own business and travelling with my work when I can (while still taking my daughter to school most days and making pretty much every show or event) is setting a good example for my daughter. It shows her that it is possible to succeed at a time when women in many professions find it harder than men to reach the top and get less pay (latest research from the Fawcett Society18 shows that men in full-time work earn around 14% more than women).
  But I often feel I’m in the minority19. Do the women who roll their eyes at other women who leave the school play early or show up late to parents’ evening because their meetings overran really believe females should only be in part-time, flexible20 work that fits around their children? That your career has to end—or run on half-speed—the minute you decide to have children? Or that women don’t have what it takes to combine a career with parenting21?
  Until women are prepared to support each other’s career decisions gender pay gaps and glass ceilings will always be part of the conversation about women and work.22
  1. appointment: 任务。
  2. 任务是跟一个潜在客户会面洽谈一份合同,一旦谈成,接下来三个月的房贷都有可能解决了。prospective: 可能的;client: 客户;potentially: 可能地;mortgage: 房屋抵押贷款。
  3. overrun: 超时。
  4. creep: 悄悄地缓慢行进;getaway: 逃走。
  5. cue: 提示;commotion: 骚动。
  6. vantage point: 有利位置;doorway: 门口;disapprovingly: 不赞成地。
  7. tut: 发出啧啧声。
  8. timing: 时机;self-employed: 自雇的,个体的;PR: public relations,公关。
  9. pretty much: 几乎。
  10. suspect: 猜想;quality time: (用于全心照顾某人,尤指与孩子一起度过的)宝贵时光。
  11. variation: 变化,变体;numerous: 很多的。
  12. 我之所以分享这些是因为我感到困扰,当越来越多的妈妈出去工作(这是件好事,对吗?)时,人们好像普遍认为她们的工作方式应该受到限制。constraint: 约束。
  13. school run: 上学交通高峰期;now and again: 不时地;earn a crust: 挣钱糊口。
  14. IPPR: Institute for Public Policy Research,英国公共政策研究所;to boot: 此外,而且。
  15. dish out: 给予(批评或惩罚)。
  16. critical: 批评的。
  17. 有个朋友(老公挣着六位数的薪水)说如果她的话冒犯了我的话,她感到抱歉,但她绝不会像我一样把孩子交给保姆而不顾;有个亲戚说我精心挑选的托儿所“像罗马尼亚的孤儿院”;还有一个朋友说我应该少一点自私,在女儿小的时候应该搁置自己的职业抱负。childminder: 代人照看孩子者;nursery: 托儿所;Romanian: 罗马尼亚的;orphanage: 孤儿院;put sth. on hold: 把……搁置;aspiration: 志向。
  18. Fawcett Society: 福西特协会,英国女性平权组织。
  19. minority: 少数。
  20. flexible: 灵活的,有弹性的。
  21. parenting: 抚养孩子。
  22. 在女性们准备好支持彼此参加工作的决定之前,男女收入差距和女性的晋升障碍会一直是女性与工作这个话题的一部分。gender pay gap: 男女收入差距;glass ceiling:(尤指妇女、少数族裔成员事业上的)无形的晋升障碍。
From an old hemlock1  under new snow,  its branches white cloaked2,  and shadowed below,  I hear a call,  see a flash of red  —a cardinal3  appears in the shade  beneath a branch.  Then from another  
在科幻小說《诗云》(2003)中,刘慈欣虚构了一个化身为李白的外星人,他试图利用技术来实现诗歌的创作。尽管外星人的科技水平已经发展到了不可思议的高度,然而用程序创作出超越李白的诗歌,似乎仍然是不可能完成的任务。2003年时,人们似乎并不相信机器能创作艺术。14年过去了,人工智能发展飞速,机器算法创作出能够以假乱真的艺术作品早已不仅存在于科幻作品之中。机器和艺术之间能擦出怎样的火花呢?  Somet
8月24日。何川、孙斌、Rocker从北壁登顶了四川布达拉峰。他们沿着“加油”路线。完攀了这面高差超过600米的高海拔大岩壁。  七年六次挑战。在这篇何川撰写的攀登报告中。他将这次攀登过程称为“愚公移山布达拉”……  医生的判决  “你这个肯定要跛行,就不要想攀岩了,省着点用吧!”  医生查房时语气一如往常的平淡。2019年11月底,我接受手术拆除左脚踝里的钢钉和钢板。距离攀登布达拉北壁“加油”路
塔什库尔干河中游河段的金草滩牧场  当文明的成果已为世人所共享,构筑文明的漫长历程却仅剩支离破碎的残片时,那种对过往历史的不吝脚步的挖掘与追寻,实为平生的一件乐事。它会适时地唤醒你有些麻木了的历史感,并在对历史长河的回顾中检视自己的存在。就在这条穿越亚洲天界狭窄而又漫长的通道上,我们追逐、寻访、求索、徘徊。  在塔什库尔干河东岸一个叫作吉日嘎勒的地方,我們曾挤进一座门扉狭小、下方上圆、仅用石头和土
These remarks are from Tony Blair at the commencement of Yale University 2008.1  Thank you very much. After over 100 years of Class Days2, finally you get a British speaker.  It is an honour to be her
最近读了一部名叫The Pillars of the Earth的小说,并非新书——首版于1989年——却是当代英语小说中常销常读的经典。中文版意译作《圣殿春秋》,虽则通俗易懂,但我仍然喜欢那书名的直译——《地球之柱》。这故事说的是一个名叫Tom Builder的石匠,立志要建造这世上最美丽的大教堂(cathedral),为此,他与家人四处奔波,受尽磨难,后来在小镇金斯布里奇(Kingsbridg
在玩徒步露营的初期,户外萌新通常会有老驴带路,而自己只需要置办一些装备就好。  帐篷、睡袋、防潮垫俗称“露营三大件”。这三样选对了,才能充分享受户外带来的乐趣。户外环境复杂多变,帐篷的主要功能是防风、防雨、防雪、防尘、防潮、防虫,为露营者提供一个相对舒适的休息环境,让露营者能睡个好觉。  选购第一个帐篷之前要先搞清楚这两个问题:  1·这个帐篷通常要几人用?  2·通常在什么天气或环境下使用?  
提名  张诺娅  提名理由  2017年5月1日至9月17日,有着徒步女王之称的中国女孩张诺娅,历时140天通径走完了美国大陆分水岭步道超长距离徒步路线,全程4300公里。这条步道和4265公里的太平洋山脊径、3500公里的阿帕拉契亚小径一起被称为美国“三重冠”,通径走完三条路线是国际徒步者的人生目标之一。至于已经在2014年完成太平洋山脊径、2015年完成阿帕拉契亚小径的张诺娅,完成大陆分水岭步
“2017奥地利慈善滑雪赛”于2月18日在崇礼云顶密苑滑雪场举办,奥地利户外品牌NORTHLAND(诺诗兰)成为白金级雪道赛事赞助合作伙伴,这是NORTHLAND连续第六次赞助该项慈善滑雪赛事。该项赛事是由奥地利商务处主办的一场慈善滑雪比赛,自2010年第一届“奥地利慈善滑雪赛”开办至今已成功举办8届,现已成为中国冬季一项知名的传统慈善滑雪赛事,获得了越来越多滑雪爱好者的关注和支持。  作为来自奥
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