
来源 :中国经贸导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wh54997695
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今年 ,国家经贸委把钢铁作为总量控制的重点 ,按照“关小、淘汰落后工艺和装备、限制长线产品产量”三个层次开展工作。确定了全年钢产量控制在1.1亿吨、钢材产量1亿吨、全口径进口坯材1000万吨以内 ,全行业实现利润50亿元 ,力争100亿元的目标。从前5个月的情况看 This year, the State Economic and Trade Commission took iron and steel as the focus of total quantity control and conducted work in accordance with the three levels of “turning off small, eliminating outdated technologies and equipment and limiting long-term product output”. It is confirmed that the annual output of steel will be controlled at 110 million tons, the output of steel products will be 100 million tons, the import of billets of full caliber will be less than 10 million tons, the whole industry will have a profit of 5.0 billion yuan and strive to achieve the goal of 10 billion yuan. The past five months to see the situation
旁若無人  填字:  书法表演的时候,他定了定心,拿起笔,然后( )若无( )地写了起来。  疲于奔命  问题  你能用“疲于奔命”说一句话吗?  游戏 七座城堡中有两座是一样的,请找出来。
主持人勺子走上桌子,對碗、盤子、筷子、鍋、刀等說:“大家好!我是主持人利利,今天由我來主持這個盛大、歡樂的舞會……” Moderator spoon onto the table, on the bowl, p
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孕妈咪:想提前获知宝宝出生后第一年的变化吗?0~1岁:想找到周岁宝宝普遍问题的解决之道吗?1~3岁:想回顾生儿育女过程中最难忘的第一年吗?全都看过来!伴随成长,共同成长!0~1 m
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