On “Pushing Hands” from the Intercultural Perspective

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  【Abstract】In this paper, I am going to analyze the conflicts and problems that are shown in Ang Lee’s film Pushing Hands from the perspective of intercultural communication. This film reveals that there may be not perfect equality between cultures; however, there is great possibility that the two cultures develop from conflicts to fusion with self-adjustment and more mutual understanding between cultures.
  【Key words】intercultural; conflicts; fusion
  1. An Introduction of the Film
  The film Pushing Hands tells the stories in the families, between the traditional old parents and their westernized offspring. It is about an elderly Chinese man, Mr. Chu, a conservative Chinese from Beijing immigrating to the united state, after his retirement to live with his son, American daughter-in-law Martha, and grandson in New York. However, because of the deep language and cultural gap, both he and Martha were unwilling to learn other’s native language and accept their respective life style; some frictions were gradually emerged between them during his stay in America. Moreover, it has explored deeply the issues of intercultural and generational conflicts, which become the backbone of the film works.
  2. Inevitable Cultural Conflicts When the East Meets the West
  2.1 The Conflicts in Material Cultures
  When people from different cultural backgrounds come across and communicate, their differences are obvious and easily cause conflicts between family members. In the film “Pushing Hands”, Martha, the white daughter-in-law became bad tempered for the smallness of the house, especially when the old Mr. Chu’s coming to live in disturbs her regular pace of life. So her friend, a real estate baron’s visit seemed to bring a perfect solution.
  It is not hard to see that the real problem for Martha is completely not the old Mr. Chu’s unexpected coming which looks like making her life so bad even like a mess; on the contrary, it is just that she is not ready enough to share a place, or in other words, just the same work room with an old man. So nothing is better than a new and bigger house. However, from the dialogue, we know the old Mr. Chu’s son Alex opposes to this idea. Why? The apparent reason is the short of money. But in fact as the dialogue goes, we get to know one of the main reasons is not the lack of money. And we can see that from Alex’s negative comments on Linda. “From Maoist revolutionary to real estate baron, if there is one thing worse than a communist, it is an ex-communist who has become a capitalist. She is not doing us a big favor, but trying to sell us a house again.” So the thing that really matters is that, in a Chinese way of thinking, Alex believed that the only difference for his father’s moving in is they need one more bedroom for the old man; the whole place is really big enough for the family to live. To buy a new one is not a necessity, but rather sort of a waste of money and another way of luxury life. This incident makes us realize that even though Alex has lived in the United States for so long, and his life is completely American-styled, something in his mind is still so Chinese, deep and rooted. His American wife’s complaint is truly understandable, but not so reasonable in Alex’s traditional opinion.   2.2 The Conflicts in Ideological Cultures
  Language is always the first barrier to cross in terms of cultural communication. At the same time, we can feel that how woeful it should be to live in a perfect strange land or place without knowing its language at all. And it is what happens to the old Mr. Chu. He knows no English, and his all white daughter-in-law Martha knows no Chinese, so there is no dialogue at all between the two important family members. The beginning of “Pushing Hands”, 7minutes and not a word is said. Such a silent beginning creates incredibly stuffy atmosphere. The house the film characters live in is a big one and seems so nice and comfortable. But the silence makes the lovely house a bit cool and a lack of warmth or vitality. “God, he is really getting you down” Martha’s friend surprised at how upset and depressed she looks like. What makes things worse is her husband, Alex’ no understanding of her poor feelings and the displeasure eventually turns their easy talk into a quarrel between the mixed couple and then a complete disappointment of each other.
  Unlike the young, that the aged come to America and live with the children usually for a shelter and cannot adapt themselves to a brand new environment quickly enough. Language is the first tough issue they are confronted. The silence caused by languages enhances the cultural rift between the family members. And more problems in life are drifted from the deadly silence.
  3. The Cultural Fusion in the Delicately Harmonious Family
  3.1 Mutual Acceptance and Understanding in the Family
  In this film, cultural and generational differences are found in many tiny details and the conflicts are so severe and sometimes turn out to be unsolved. It is striking that during dinner, Martha and Jeremy use forks to eat while old Mr. Chu and Alex use chopsticks. When old Mr. Chu teaches Tai Chi, most students wear no shoes particularly designed for practicing Kung Fu but the Nike shoes. And when Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chen talk in the community center, behind the old man is an American flag while behind Mrs. Chen is a piece of Chinese calligraphy. Wei Tung uses a fraud marriage to keep his lie and cheat parents. The silent war takes place between Martha and his Chinese father-in-law. Such subtle displays of cultural differences are clear.
  The similar happy ending in Pushing Hands is that everyone was much happier than before. Alex bought a new house, much bigger than the old one. Even Martha, the American daughter-in-law learned to accept the Chinese traditional father, which is symbolized by her decorating the guest room for him and asking the question if he would ever visit. And she learned to cook the Chinese dish “spring roll” and became interested in the Chinese culture and started to write a new novel about a father brought over to work on the railroad.   3.2 The Realization of Cultural Fusion
  The demonstrations of the conflicts between eastern and western cultures in the pushing hands are really vivid and incisive. Because greatly influenced by the West cultures, the young generation is much easier to be accepted by the mainstream of America. Deeply rooted in the Chinese traditional cultures, the growing missing for the homeland and the language problems put them into a dilemma. On the one hand, the dominant language and culture try to press on the dominated people, especially the new comers in the land. On the other hand, the dominant cultures refuse to accept the dominated people. In such restrictions, the pressures are not only from the language but from the unequal intercultural communication. Problems and conflicts become naturally inevitable. The old immigrants are forced to mediate between two cultures. So, a life in Chinatown for the convenience of the language and the familiarities with Chinese traditions is almost the only way available they could escape from the American mainstream. In the Fancily Trilogy, Ang Lee demonstrates the confusions of the old Chinese immigrants vividly through old Mr. Chu’s encounters.
  However, Ang Lee makes his explosion in the possibility of getting access to the mainstream culture. Many old Chinese traditional cultures cannot fit western culture along with development of modern society. Modifying the old and fatuous and absorbing essence is the most important mission. For instance, in Chinatown, in a noisy activity community centre, once full of sight are old people playing mahjong day after day with no special purpose but to kill time. It was a way to escape from reality and self-relief. But at the end what we see is the hilarious and prosperous scene of people practicing Tai Chi here and there. We even notice a few white Americans scattered among them.
  4. Conclusion
  Cultures are an indispensable part of society. Cultures present huge diversity around the world. As one of the most important factors of communication, the differences of cultures are bound to cause various problems and even conflicts. The world is getting smaller, and the cultural communication is becoming more frequent than ever before. Therefore issues about cultural communication—have never attracted so much attention as today. With the further opening policies in China, we have learnt more about the world and also need to be accepted by the world. Interactions between nations force us to hold an acceptable attitude towards differences. Win-win and mutual benefits are the purposes of communication worldwide. Then, to keep the Chinese traditional cultures unchanged and always stick at what we believe may finally lag down our progress. Therefore, we need to learn how to avoid conflicts and how to communicate effectively with people of different cultures.
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【Abstract】The so-called socialist railway culture refers to all practical activities of Chinese people in the construction of new China’s railways under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
【摘要】随着英语这一语言更加国际化的普及,国家目前对青少年的英语教育越来越重视,英语不但涉及到单词的拼写、发音,更重要的是写作,落笔成章,但是英语写作方面依然是各大学校教师们教学的难点和重点。本文将进一步探讨以阅读文本为基础的初中英语写作的教学方法。  【关键词】英语写作;教学;阅读文本  【作者简介】杨燕梅,浙江省衢州市衢江区廿里镇初级中学。  初中是学习英语的一个非常重要的时期,学习的难度较小
【摘要】本文以基于核心素养的高中英语阅读教学方法研究为主要内容进行阐述,结合当下新课程标准英语需求为主要依据,从以阅读问题为主,提升学生思维能力;引领思维意识,提升学生思维品质;借助情感体验,提升学生文化意识这几方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于加强核心素养在高中英语阅读教学中的价值,旨意为相关研究提供参考资料。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语阅读教学;文化意识;情感体验  【作者简介】陈志丹,甘
【摘要】随着中国英语教材中西方文化的过度输入,中国文化处于一个尴尬的境地。因此,中国英语教材也面临着改革来解决由于过度输入文化所引起的教育问题以及其他社会问题,以适应国家发展的需要。  【关键词】中国;英语教材;社会问题  【Abstract】With the excessive input of western culture in the Chinese English textbooks,
美国情感专家汤姆金斯认为:“第一性的动机体系就是感情体系,生物的内驱力只有经过感情体系放大才具有动机的作用。” 虽然情感不是具象的可以直观接触的实物,但它贯穿了整个教学过程,并且在每个阶段都有着它不可替代的重要作用。因为情感因素可以影响到学生在英语课堂之上的学习效果,以及教师的情感投入能够有利引导学生在语言学习过程之中的参与意识,故而在英语日常教学中,作为教师应该想方设法以自身情感的正面能量带动学
【摘要】“水”和“water”这一概念在汉语和英语中的所指是同一客观存在,但由于所处地理环境的不同,所持世界观的不同,汉语使用者和英语使用者对这一客观存在有着不尽相同的意象,赋予了它迥然不同的宗教和哲学意义。  【关键词】水;相异;意像;意义  【作者简介】杨小波,重庆医科大学外国语学院。一、引言  在认知语言学的语境里,隐喻不再仅仅是一种修辞手法和语言现象,它更是一种认知过程和现象,本质上是人类
【摘要】在经济全球化的时代背景下,跨文化理念逐渐渗透到高校英语教学工作中。现在社会对英语专业人才的需求量很大,而优秀的英语专业人才应该具备听说读写译这几项能力,当前翻译能力的培养工作开展现状不容乐观,存在一些实际问题影响培养工作的效率提高,急需高校采取应对措施进行解决。本文就跨文化理念下的大学英语翻译教学进行探究分析。  【关键词】跨文化;大学英语;翻译教学;研究  【作者简介】郑欣(1978-)
【摘要】在传统的教学模式下,高校大多通过语音教室和口语练习软件来教授学生英语,但学生的英语水平并没有真正提高。混合学习模式是指在英语视听教学中充分利用网络技术水平,使学生在任何时间、任何地点都可以不受限制地学习英语,从而提高学生整体的英语听说水平。  【关键词】混合式学习;大学英语;应用研究  【作者简介】南敬实(1959.01-),女,朝鲜族,吉林长春人,长春建筑学院,教授,研究方向:英语教学。