取之于水 用之于水

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盐城市郊区地处苏北里下河腹部地区,这个区水网密布,常年有水稻77.5万亩,棉花田33.7万亩,自留地9.8万亩,鱼塘、玉米、蚕桑、大豆和各种果树等5.4万亩。由于长期喝惯了“大锅水”,因而曾造成水利资金奇缺。从1984年开始,市郊区切实搞好水费征收工作。在春节期间,郊区各乡(镇)把收交水费任务落实到农户,采取“麦季预交,秋季结算”的办法,委托乡(镇)经营管理站代收,并把水费收交同农田水利补助工程经费有机地结合起来,水费收交工作搞得好的地方,农补经费就多补,反之就少补或不补。近两年来,盐城市郊区已收交农业水费93.8万元,工业水费4.2万元,占应收数的96%以上。所收的水 The outskirts of Yancheng are located in the belly of the Lixiahe River in northern Jiangsu Province. The water network is densely populated in this district. There are 775,000 hectares of paddy fields, 337,000 hectares of cotton fields and 98,000 mu of private plots. Fish ponds, corn, sericulture, soybeans, and various fruit trees 5.4 mu Due to long-term accustomed to “cauldron water”, which caused a shortage of water funds. From 1984 onwards, suburban areas do a good job collecting water charges. During the Spring Festival, townships (towns) in the suburbs put the tasks of collecting water fees to farmers and entrusted them to collect the water fees at the township (town) administration and management station by adopting the method of “pre-payment by wheat and settlement by autumn” With the farmland water conservancy subsidy project funds organically combined, water fees submitted to do a good job where more farmers make up for funding, on the other hand less or not make up. In the past two years, the suburb of Yancheng has received 938,000 yuan of water for agriculture and 42,000 yuan of water for industry, accounting for more than 96% of the receivables. Received water
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