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财政部7月17日发布数据显示,2014年1-6月,纳入本月报统计范围的全国国有及国有控股企业(以下简称国有企业)主要经济效益指标同比增长,但近三分之一的中央管理企业和近一半省份的地方国有企业利润总额负增长或亏损。一主要经济效益指标情况 According to the data released by the Ministry of Finance on July 17, from January to June 2014, the major economic indicators of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises (hereinafter referred to as state-owned enterprises) included in the monthly statistics of this month have increased YoY while nearly one-third The total profits of local state-owned enterprises in centrally-controlled enterprises and in nearly half of provinces were negatively increased or decreased. A major indicator of economic benefits
去年的电子产品进出口贸易呈现以下三个特点: (1) 电子产品进出口贸易是拉动我国经济增长的重要力量,是进出口额增长最快的行业: (2) 外贸中高技术、新产品和电子信息产品增
Based on the analytical data of over 30 gas samples, combined with geochemical and geological backgrounds, the composition and distribution characteristics of s
1996年王星宏高考落榜后,进山学起了打石头。当王星宏成为一名优秀石匠的时候,公路修通了,村民修屋建房不再用原来的石条石板,改用水泥沙石,王星宏的致富梦碎了。 Wang Xing
By analyzing the digital tilt tidal observations at Yongsheng station and strain tidal observations at Houma station, this paper suggests that the solid tidal f
目的 探讨非小细胞肺癌 p6 3基因的蛋白表达水平及其与定位在 3号染色体 2 7~ 2 9区域改变的关系。 方法 应用比较基因组杂交 (CGH)技术对 70例原发性肺鳞状细胞癌和肺腺癌
In southwestern China, karst rocky desertification, a process of land degradation, takes place widely due to human impacts on the fragile karstic ecological sys
From 7~th through 13~th, August, 1992, a series of heavy rainstorms took place in Shaanxi province. The rainfall moved from the north to the south in sequence,
Effects of EDTA and heavy metals on growth of Typha latifolia and its uptake and translocation of Pb and Cd were investigated in this study. Both Pb and Cd of h
概况 (1989—1998年 )1.地区分布情况。从欧洲市场来看 ,它的营业额在90年代初有所增长 ,但其速度缓慢。由于西欧各国所实行的法律和金融条款对银行家和投资家来说并不十分清楚 ,致使国际