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城市化,在我国也称城镇化,是指人类进入工业社会后,社会经济生活中农业活动的比重逐渐下降、非农业活动的比重不断上升的过程。与这种经济结构的变动相适应,出现了乡村人口比重逐渐降低,城镇人口比重稳步上升,人们的生活、生产方式逐渐向城镇性质转化和强化的过程。大规模的城市化发端于工业革命,从18世纪中叶开始到20世纪的50年代,在将近200年的时间里,多数西方发达国家基本上实现了城市化。目前世界城市化平均水平为47%,发达国家平均城市化水平为75%,发展中国家为37%。根据2000年第五次人口普查测算,我国城市化水平为36.09%。我国的城市化走过相当长的一段弯路。从50年代中期开始逐步形成了城乡二元分割的社会结构,使得城市化长期处于停滞状态,在特殊的年代里,甚至还推行“反城市化”战略,知识青年上山下乡、千 Urbanization, also known as urbanization in our country, refers to the process of gradual decline of the proportion of agricultural activities in the social and economic life and the rising proportion of non-agricultural activities after human beings enter industrial society. In line with this change in economic structure, there has been a gradual decrease in the proportion of rural population, a steady increase in the proportion of urban population, and the gradual transformation and enhancement of people’s lives and modes of production to urban nature. Large-scale urbanization started in the industrial revolution. From the mid-eighteenth century to the 1950s in the 20th century, most western developed countries basically realized urbanization in nearly 200 years. At present, the average urbanization rate in the world is 47%. The average urbanization level in developed countries is 75% and in developing countries it is 37%. According to the fifth census in 2000, the level of urbanization in China is 36.09%. Urbanization in our country has come a long way in detour. From the mid-1950s, a dual-segmented social structure of urban and rural areas was gradually formed. As a result, urbanization has been at a standstill for a long time. In the special era, the strategy of “anti-urbanization” has even been implemented.
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<正> 积累和预期显然,马克思把资本主义积累一般规律看作是导致资本主义危机的基本机制。然而,这一机制的作用却是具有不同可能性的微妙事情。从这一机制中产生出的节省劳力的技术变革——不管其原因是竞争者猎取超额利润还是力图逃避工资上涨的影响——又
根据联合国贸易与发展会议铁矿石信托基金(Unctad Iron Ore Trust Fund)公布的数据,2011年全球球团矿产量同比增长3.5%至4.16亿t,创历史新高。报告显示,2010年全球球团矿产量