
来源 :建筑结构 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingzizhang
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采用ANSYS有限元软件,对一个设置现浇边缘构件的单片预制圆孔板剪力墙试件进行了在定轴压力和单调递增水平力作用下的非线性分析,与拟静力试验结果进行了比较,两者符合较好,验证了计算模型和参数取值的合理性。在此基础上,对四个设置现浇边缘构件的单片及双片预制圆孔板剪力墙试件进行了非线性有限元分析。结果表明,无论是按弯曲破坏还是按剪切破坏设计的试件,都是墙底截面开裂,边缘构件沿高度出现水平裂缝,圆孔板剪力墙以斜裂缝为主,斜裂缝数量多,布满整个墙面,没有出现集中的塑性铰,有利于抗震耗能;双片墙试件的开裂荷载和最大荷载显著高于单片墙试件的。结论可为预制圆孔板剪力墙这种新型装配整体式住宅建筑体系的推广应用提供理论依据。 ANSYS finite element software is used to analyze the nonlinear analysis of a single prefabricated perforated plate shear wall with cast-in-situ edge members under the condition of fixed axial pressure and monotonically increasing horizontal force. The results of the quasi-static test In comparison, the two are in good agreement, which verifies the rationality of calculating the model and parameter values. On this basis, the four finite element analysis of four single-piece and two-piece prefabricated circular-hole shear wall specimens with in-situ edge members were carried out. The results show that both the specimens cracked by bending or shear failure are cracked in the section of the wall base, horizontal cracks along the height of the edge members, oblique cracks in the circular hole plate shear wall, The whole wall is covered and no plastic hinges are concentrated, which is good for seismic energy dissipation. The cracking load and the maximum load of the double-wall specimens are significantly higher than that of the single-wall specimens. The conclusion can provide a theoretical basis for the popularization and application of the prefabricated perforated plate shear wall which is a new type of integrated residential building system.
除了珠宝,女人与腕表也是天生绝配,腕间的方寸不经意地记录下轻如薄羽的时光,不管是如彩羽一般灿烂的岁月,还是像素羽一般宁静的流年,都让女人的每一刻更加耀眼而难忘。 In
从建筑材料的角度出发,对不同时期、不同建筑材料及其表现手法进行研究,挖掘建筑材料与建筑形态之间的关系。 From the perspective of building materials, different peri
1 前言 喷油嘴是柴油机中一对精密偶件,它的喷雾性能直接影响到柴油机的动力性、经济性和排放指标等。在喷油嘴结构参数确定以后,它的喷雾性能与其密封锥面(以下简称座面)的
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