
来源 :药物流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SDAJFASDJFASDJFAS
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目的:了解质子泵抑制药在外科病房的使用情况并评价其用药合理性。方法:通过医院HIS系统统计我院外科住院患者2014年7~12月质子泵抑制药的使用情况,包括品种、数量、金额等,并计算各品种用药频度(DDDs)、限定日费用(DDC)等,同时按10%比例随机抽取病历进行合理性点评,并分析与用药趋势的相关性。结果:6个月中使用频度、金额均排第一的是注射用兰索拉唑;467份使用质子泵抑制药的外科病历中,以预防溃疡为目的的占80.9%,其中无指征用药占比61.7%;给药途径、用法用量和用药疗程不合理的比例分别为60.9%、20.1%和18.4%,且用药频度、金额排序靠前的品种出现不合理用药的比例越多。结论:外科使用质子泵抑制药随意性较大,存在不合理使用现象,有必要制定使用规范,加强监督管理,促进合理用药。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the use of proton pump inhibitors in surgical ward and to evaluate their rationality. Methods: The HIS system of our hospital was used to calculate the usage of proton pump inhibitors in July-December 2014 in our hospital, including varieties, quantity and amount, and DDDs, DDC ), Etc. At the same time, according to 10% of the proportion of randomly selected medical records for reasonable comments, and analysis and medication trends. RESULTS: Lansoprazole for injection was used for the first six months, while in the 467 surgical medical records using proton pump inhibitors, 80.9% of the surgical records were for the purpose of preventing ulcer, of which there was no indication Accounting for 61.7% of the total; the administration routes, the dosage and the unreasonable treatment rates were 60.9%, 20.1% and 18.4% respectively, and the frequency of irrational drug use was higher in the frequency of medication and the amount of the top ranked drugs. Conclusion: There is an irrational use of proton pump inhibitors in surgery. There is a need to make use of norms, strengthen supervision and administration, and promote rational drug use.