
来源 :甘肃地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yvedy
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甘肃陇南山区作为我国4大滑坡、崩塌、泥石流分布区,地质灾害集中发育,严重威胁人民生命财产安全且损失巨大,是我国地质灾害防治的重点区域。陇南山区地质灾害的多元性和复杂性为建设国家级监测预警和防治管理示范区提供了必要条件,但其功能如何定位、示范领域如何实现、作用如何发挥是示范区建设需要研究的关键问题。本文在研究国际、国内地质灾害防治管理和监测预警示范区建设进展的基础上,深入分析了陇南山区地质灾害的类型、分布发育特征及示范区建设的基础条件,提出了陇南山区国家级防治管理和监测预警示范区的建设思路、功能定位、建设内容等方面的建议。 As the four major landslides, collapsing and debris flow areas in Gansu, Gansu, Gansu, with the concentrated development of geological disasters, seriously threatening the life and property safety of the people and causing huge losses, it is a key area for the prevention and control of geological hazards in China. The diversity and complexity of geological disasters in Longnan Mountain provide the necessary conditions for the construction of a national demonstration area for monitoring and early warning and prevention and control. However, how to locate its functions, how to realize the demonstration areas and how to play its role are the key issues that need to be studied in the demonstration area construction. On the basis of studying the progress of the international and domestic geological disasters prevention and control and the monitoring and early warning demonstration area construction, this paper deeply analyzes the types, distribution and development characteristics of the geological disasters in Longnan Mountain area and the basic conditions for the construction of the demonstration area, puts forward the national prevention and control management And monitoring early warning demonstration area construction ideas, functional positioning, construction content and other aspects of the proposal.
[摘 要] 湖湘文化是中国重要的地域文化之一,文化底蕴深厚。但随着社会的快速发展,已经进入了信息时代,互联网平台作为信息传递和交流的中心,发挥着不可代替的作用。可借此平台更好地传播湖湘文化,在与新时代接轨的同时,向更多的人分享湖湘文化的精神與它的价值。  [关 键 词] “互联网+”时代;湖湘文化;发展;传承  [中图分类号] G127 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(201
1 病例报告患者男,76岁.因右侧腰部胀痛不适20天,加重5天入院.自述20天前无明显诱因出现右侧腰部胀痛不适,呈间歇性,未予治疗.5天前疼痛加重.实验室检查:白细胞计数4.9×109/
The magnetic domain structures of the 100 oriented Fe 81 Ga 19 polycrystalline alloys with rapid quenching(RQ) and post-annealing(PA) thermal treatments are inv
1 病例报告rn患者女,78岁.因反复咳嗽、胸闷1个月,加重5天入院.查体:全身浅表淋巴结未触及增大,双肺呼吸音粗糙,未闻及干、湿性啰音;心律齐,心音清晰,未闻及杂音.查胸部64排C