Effect of the Ginseng extractive E on experimental climacteric disturbance in rats

来源 :沈阳药科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuang810
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Objective To search the effects of the extractive E of Ginseng(EG)on experimental climacteric syndrome in rats.Methods Extirpating the both sides of ovary of rats to turbulence estrogen secretion,induce climacteric syndrome.The weight,bite and sup,substance of bone,blood lipid,calcium urine biochemistry,estrodiol,behavior perfomance were also observed.Results The body weight of ovariotomied rat was controlled,bone density was increased,estradiol level increased,the weight of bone increased.Conclusions EG ameliorated climacteric syndrome.Increase bone density and bone mine content,enhanced the level of estradiol. Objective To search the effects of the extractive E of Ginseng(EG) on experimental climacteric syndrome in rats.Methods Extirpating the both sides of ovary of rats to turbulence estrogen secretion,induce climacteric syndrome.The weight,bite and sup,substance of bone, Blood lipid,calcium urine biochemistry,estrodiol,behavior perfomance were also observed.Results The body weight of ovariotomied rat was controlled,bone density was increased,estradiol level increased,the weight of bone increased.Conclusions EG ameliorated climacteric syndrome.Increase bone density and Bone mine content,enhanced the level of estradiol.
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