Parameter Testing and Optimizing of New Rebuncher 1

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:isnow
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In order to increase the beam intensity of SSC that is Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou, and to meet the demand of CSR commissioning, NB1 has been designed and built since 2002. It has presently been in operation, a serious measurement and tests indicate it achieves the designed requirements. The test demonstrates SSC beam quality and intensity could be improved obviously with this rebuncher. Base on this result, the tests and optimizing in four aspects have been done again. As a result, the system’s performance is more reliable and stable. In order to increase the beam intensity of SSC that is Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou, and meet the demand of CSR commissioning, NB1 has been designed and built since 2002. It has beenly been in operation, a serious measurement and tests indicate it achieves the designed requirements. The test demonstrates SSC beam quality andnsity could be improved obviously with this rebuncher. Base on this result, the tests and optimizing in four aspects have been done again. As a result, the system’s performance is more reliable and stable .
In the previous work, we have studied the extraction of Pa with PMBP, TBP and Aliquat336.The most suitable conditions of Pa extraction by using the extraction r
During the collision of swift heavy ions with the solids, various processes, such as electron capture, ionization,excitation, vacancy production and the consequ
本刊讯 9月25日上午,青岛城阳区棘洪滩金岭工业园鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,人潮涌动,彩旗招展,主题为“科技创新促产业升级”的2014中国输送带制造现场交流会暨青岛橡六棘洪滩厂区