Adipose tissue resistin gene expression in DIO and DR rats

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanjianjun12
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Objective: To investigate the expression of resistin gene in diet-induced obesity (DIO) and diet resistance (DR) rats. Methods: DIO and DR models were prepared with male SD rats after 6 weeks feeding by a diet of relatively high fat, sucrose, and caloric content (HE diet). Body-weight, fat mass, and the concentration of serum insulin were measured, and the expression of resistin and Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptory-γ(PPAR-γ) gene in whit adipose tissue (WAT) was also detected by RT-PCR. Results: ① Body weight, fat mass and the concentration of serum insulin were significantly increased in DIO rats and decreased in DR rats. ② The expression of resistin and PPARγ gene was upregulated in DIO group and supressed in DR group, but the expression of resistin was not detectable in all samples within three groups. Conclusion: Resistin may serve as a link between obesity and insulin resistance, but the individual difference is enormous. Methods: DIO and DR models were prepared with male SD rats after 6 weeks feeding by a diet of relatively high fat, sucrose Body weight, and mass concentration of serum insulin were measured, and the expression of resistin and Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) gene in whit adipose tissue (WAT ) was also detected by RT-PCR. Results: ① Body weight, fat mass and the concentration of serum insulin were significantly increased in DIO rats and decreased in DR rats. ② The expression of resistin and PPARγ gene was upregulated in DIO group and supressed in DR group, but the expression of resistin was not detectable in all samples within three groups. Conclusion: Resistin may serve as a link between obesity and insulin resistance, but the individual difference is enormous.
【中图分类号】G623 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0069-01  课程改革的任务之一,就是追求在新课程理念指导下的有效教学。新课程的有效实施,必须对应课程目标有相应的作业系统的配合。  我们知道,新课程的目标体系,包括培养目标、学科目标、年段目标和教学目标,都有了回应时代发展要求的改进。如,知识上除知识与技能外,还有过程与方法、情感態度与价值观的多维要求;
【摘要】语文课堂应该以人为本,应该体现对人的尊重,要把学生的情感体验,健康心态,主动发展期望,作为关注点,出发点。“以人为本”的语文课堂要以学生的主动发展为根本,教学设计中要预留学主动参与的时间与空间,要突出学生在课堂上的主体地位,学生自己学习,自己理解,自己消化,自己吸收。  【关键词】以人为本 语文课堂 价值观 主动发展  【中图分类号】G632【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(
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