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金秋九月,联想集团与中南工业大学共建的“中南工业大学联想多媒体教学中心”落成仪式隆重揭幕。联想高层领导表示:该中心的建立志在为发展我国高等教育事业、培养跨世纪的高级计算机技术人才做出更大贡献。中南工业大学是国家211工程重点院校,具有悠久的历史。多年来为国家培养了大量的人才,堪称“有色专家摇篮,科技成果基地”。联想集团切实地体会到:随着时代和技术的发展,中国需要大量的高素质的人才来迎接21世纪的挑战。双方在培养人才和建设教育信息现代化方面达成共识。联想此次与中南工大共建“中南工业大学联想电脑多媒体教学中心”就是要 Autumn in September, Lenovo Group and Central South University of Technology to build “Central South University of the Lenovo multimedia teaching center ” inaugurated a grand ceremony. The top leaders of Lenovo said: The establishment of this center will make greater contribution to the development of China’s higher education and to the cultivation of advanced computer technology talents of the past century. Central South University of Technology is a national key 211 project institutions, has a long history. Over the years for the country trained a large number of talents, called “colored experts cradle, base of scientific and technological achievements ”. Lenovo Group really understand: With the development of the times and technology, China needs a large number of highly qualified personnel to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Both sides reached consensus on training talents and building modernization of education information. Lenovo this time with the South China University of Technology to build “Central South University of Lenovo Lenovo multimedia teaching center” is to
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Purpose: To evaluate the corneal topographic and pachymetric changes following subscleral trabeculectomy (SST). Methods: Our study included 10 eyes of 10 patie
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of automated perimetry exams at a large diagnostic institute. We describe the model of operation