Does Sparing the Rod Spoil the Child?

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  In current society where most parents praise children, a father who claims that frequent criticisms and beatings help make his children successful, has captured the public’s attention. Xiao Baiyou, a 47-year-old Hong Kong businessman, explains his parenting approach in his book That’s Why They Go to Peking University, which has stirred controversy over his parenting methods since its publication release in June.
  Xiao, calling himself a wolf dad, believes he has proven himself to be a successful father, because three of his four children were admitted to Peking University, one of the top universities in China. From Xiao’s perspective, the best principle of education lies in Chinese traditional culture, parents ruling with absolute authority at home while children abiding by tough rules.
  Before going to university, his children were not allowed to make friends, participate in extracurricular activities or enjoy sleepovers. Even visiting a classmate involved a complicated application procedure that included detailing the classmate’s academic records, parents’names and phone numbers, the reasons for the visits and their return time. At home, TV, soft drinks, snacks, free access to Internet, air conditioning in the bedroom and pocket money were also banned. Breaking any rule resulted in a beating. The rules were enforced so the children could focus solely on their studies.
  Those who say yes to Xiao’s approach believe that strict parenting will help children develop good living and learning habits and respect rules. However, others maintain that Xiao ignores his children’s personal choices and feelings, which will result in far-reaching psychological scars.
  lu kaisheng Media commentator
  I speak highly of the wolf dad. In China, there are not enough wolf dads nowadays.
  Xiao didn’t beat children randomly but followed clearly defined rules, which are similar to a country’s laws and an organization’s regulations. If people breach laws and regulations, they should be punished. It is the same with breaking domestic rules. Provided that every child develops a strong sense of following rules, the society will have an ideal atmosphere where people are true to their words and resolute in their deeds.
  Stimulating children by praising them is just one method of parenting and not effective for every family. I think parents should not permit their children to do whatever they want. Strict discipline will make children well-behaved and responsible citizens for society and the country.
  Qin shiyue A writer
  I think it is reasonable to be a strict parent and even beat children on proper occasions.
  Punishing children under the guidance of set rules should not be deemed as domestic violence. Xiao’s domestic rules seem harsh, but they help children develop good living and learning habits such as keeping a regular working and resting schedule and an organized manner when dealing with problems. It will make children be more aware of respecting rules and regulations, and learn that people will be punished if they make mistakes or disobey rules.
  Xiao’s parenting is successful as three of his four children have been enrolled by a first-class Chinese university. I cannot assure that they will achieve greatness in their studies, but they will be obedient children, well-behaved students and dutiful employees as they respect home rules and national laws, behave morally and act with self-discipline, all of which derives from the strictness of their father’s guidance.
  liang min Mother of an elementary school student in Beijing
  I think Xiao’s parenting is successful and instructive to other parents.
  Nowadays, most families have only one child and treat them as emperors or princesses. It only spoils kids, possibly causing them to be arrogant, lazy and lacking filial piety. The wolf dad is successful. Punishment sometimes functions as an indispensible external drive for students to develop good habits. Appropriate punishments are necessary to raise children. Blindly spoiling children will only make them unable to adapt themselves to social life in the future.
  Yan Xin Professor with National Institute of Education Sciences
  Physical punishment is against the principles of qualificationoriented education, which advocates students’ all-round development. The traditional belief that nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards still maintains a profound impact on current education. But education should provide students with more space to develop their personalities and help them make responsible choices.
  If parents raise children by just beating them, their children may be well-behaved. But if the beatings continue, it would deaden the child’s personality, which is against the purpose of education.
  I disagree to Xiao’s explanations of what he did to his children and believe he is ruling as a dictator since he asks his children to remain obedient unconditionally.These practices will not foster children to be creative but will enslave them, making them lose their carefree childhood, which they’re entitled to have.
  tao gongcai
  I doubt the wolf dad’s education is successful. he adopted an extreme approach that should not be a model for other parents.
  having good academic performance and getting enrolled into prestigious universities does not offer solid evidence for successful education. Children, who are brought up with frequent physical punishments, do well in exams, but they may struggle with psychological trauma, which could linger for the rest of their lives and affect their mental stability. It’s too costly to get good scores at the expense of leaving a child’s inner heart depressed, twisted and unhappy.
  Moreover, physical punishment is not the decisive reason why his children are enrolled in Peking University. School education and children’s hard-work habits remain indispensable.The wolf dad’s parenting is not instructive and should be regarded as a negative example.
  Deng huilin
  I disapprove of Xiao’s physical punishment of his children, although he feels justified.
  Children are too young to resist their father’s rules and they become resentful. Xiao reigns through a dictatorship and infringes on his children’s personal rights. If his beatings caused physical harm, even a slight injury, he should be punished by the law.
  Physical punishment, despite the circumstances and method, is incorrect. Young children are citizens and are entitled with the right to personal dignity. Minors are protected by special laws and regulations due to their physical and psychological vulnerabilities. however, in the eyes of the wolf dad, he shows no awareness to protect his children’s rights but only maintains the traditional belief that a father beating his offspring should be considered acceptable.
摘要:随着高中课程改革的不断深入,启发式教学方法在高中阶段的地位也日益明显。在高中生物教学中进行启发式教学是促进高中生物教学质量提高的重要途径。本文针对启发式教学与高中常态化教学之间的关系进行了深入的探究和分析,希望可以对提高高中生物的教学质量和水平起到一定的促进作用。   关键词:高中生物;启发式教学;教学体会  中图分类号:G633.91 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(201
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