Social Factors on English Learning

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woxiangtoucai
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  【Abstract】In L2 acquisition, many factors may influence the language learning and learning outcome. Utilizing these factors rightly will help learners reach a high level proficiency. This thesis tries to explain and analyze specific social factors (age, sex, social class and ethnic identity) affecting L2 proficiency. English learners in China learn English in educational settings and they have their own characteristics, teachers should make full use of social factors to improve English proficiency.
  【Key words】L2 acquisition; social factors; English competence
  This is a time of global communication when communication between people has expanded way beyond their local speech communities. There is an urgency to find out whether the proficiency of second language learning can be improved. There is a close relationship between social factors and L2 acquisition, this thesis examines how social factors affect English learning and how to make use of social factors to improve English competence.
  1. Social Factors and English Learning
  We will now consider a number of specific social factors which influence the learning outcomes. These factors have received the most attention in SLA research.
  1.1 Age
  Age has received considerable attention from sociolinguists. Younger generation used non-standard variants, while middle-aged speakers preferred the standard variant. Older speakers demonstrated use of non-standard variant, although not to the same extent as the younger generation.
  Learners who start learning an L2 after the puberty are unlikely to acquire a native-speaker accent Children may be more prepared to share external norms, while adolescent learners progress more rapidly than younger learner.
  1.2 Sex
  Research shows that women always outdo men in the standardness of their speech. Women are more concerned with new forms and use them into speech. Otherwise, men are less sensitive to new forms and less likely to notice them. Women are reported to be better at L2 learning than men: they are likely to be more open to new linguistic forms in the language input and they tend to separate themselves from interlanguage forms and target-language norms.
  1.3 Social Class
  Few studies are dedicated to investigating social class and L2 learning. The results indicate that in terms of the emphasizing formal language learning, middle-class kids achieve higher levels of L2 proficiency and more positive attitudes than working-class children which may be caused by the fact that they are better able to handle decontextualized language. However, when the program stresses communicative skills, there are no obvious differences in social class.   1.4 Ethnic Identity
  There is a general consensus that ethnic identity can have a profound influence on L2 learning. A socio-psychological view of the relationship between ethnic identity and L2 proficiency emphasized the role of attitudes. The attitudes that learners take towards the learning foreign language reflect the intersection of their views about their own ethnic identity and those about the target-language culture. This view will influence both L2 and L1 learning, as shown in Figure:
  Attitude towards
  Native culture
【摘要】语言和思维关系密切:思维决定、制约着语言,而语言是思维的主要表现形式。本文从英汉不同思维模式的入手,分析了英汉思维模式对大学生英文写作中词语选择、句子结构、语篇构建方面产生的影响,并就大学英语写作教学提出了相应的策略,以期提高大学生写作能力,避免中式英语的出现。  【关键词】英汉思维差异;大学英语写作;中式英语  【作者简介】庞峰,范存英,山东省曲阜师范大学公共外语教学部。  一、引言  
【摘要】初中英语的学习主要涵盖两个方面,一方面是词法,另一方面是句法。两个方面都是同等重要的。所以在对学生进行知识传授的时候,教师必须要掌握语法和句法的规则和重点,一边要牢记经典的知识,一边要用创新的方法传授给学生。针对这一个问题,本文对初中语法教学中的问题进行描述,并据此提出相关的建议和对策。  【关键词】初中英语;语法教学;建议和对策  【作者简介】蒋兰,镇江实验学校魅力之城分校。  对于初中
【摘要】核心素养将“语言能力”列为最基本的素养任务,而阅读又是实施小学英语教学的核心活动,直接影响着小学生英语语言能力的提升与发展,所以小学英语教师要全面优化小学生的阅读能力,为小学生今后的学习与发展打好基础。本文将从“创设阅读情境,优化学生阅读参与意识”“丰富阅读探究,发散学生阅读思维”“组织课外阅读,提升学生阅读能力”三个角度来分析小学英语教师应该如何培养与优化小学生的阅读能力。  【关键词】
【摘要】多元智能理论自提出以来逐渐引起世界的广泛关注,并成为20世纪 90 年代以来许多国家和地区教育教学改革的重要指导思想之一。多元智能理论给我国的教育教学实践带来了许多启示,大学英语教学在这一理论的指导下能够使自己的教学模式走向多层次、多样化。顺应新时代的教学要求,大学英语教学也应在加德纳多元智能理论指导下进行重新思考和设计,以实现教与学的最优化。本文以加德纳多元智能理论为基础,探索这一理论对
【摘要】基于对毕业就业现状及路径特点的分析,笔者发现警务化管理对学生产生很大的积极影响。警察情结使毕业生更倾向于入警、考公务员、转攻法学硕士、参军等,显示了就业机会的独特优势和多样性。  【关键词】英专毕业生;就业现状;路径特点;警察学院  新世纪,随着招生规模的加大,英语专业学生的毕业就业情况自然而然受到关注。普通高校英语专业毕业生主要就业方向为英语教师、翻译、文秘、公务员等,能去跨国公司、大型
【Abstract】Semantic prosody implies the speaker or writer’s stance and attitude towards certain entities or propositions. Using data-based approach, semantic prosodies of “incur” and “induce” are analy
【摘要】可视化教学具有直观性及趣味性,可以把知识点之间的关联或隐性结构通过图文等方式,简单直接地呈现出来。阅读教学中,除了词汇和语言点的显性知识外,还有语篇结构等隐性知识,可视化教学方法可以帮助学生逐步建立阅读思维模式,起到化零为整的作用。  【关键词】可视化教学;初中英语;阅读课  一、思维可视化  思维可视化概念是由刘濯源首先提出的。它是指运用一系列图示技术把本来不可视的思维(包括思考方法和思