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在测定地壳中地質过程的溫度时,作为溫度計使用的迄今仍是某些火成岩和变質岩的礦物。最常用的是石英。低溫石英(或β-石英)在溫度575°下,变为高溫石英(或α—石英)。假若在岩石中有β-石英,这表明,这种岩石沒有受到575°,或大于575°的高溫的作用。当發現α-石英时,完全可以假定,作用于岩石的溫度高于575°,但不高于870°,因为在 In the determination of the temperature of the geological processes in the earth’s crust, the minerals used as thermometers so far are still some igneous and metamorphic rocks. The most commonly used is quartz. Low-temperature quartz (or β-quartz) becomes high-temperature quartz (or α-quartz) at a temperature of 575 °. If there is beta-quartz in the rock, this shows that the rock is not exposed to high temperatures of 575 ° or greater than 575 °. When α-quartz is found, it is entirely possible to assume that the temperature acting on the rock is above 575 °, but not above 870 ° because at
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Erhtsun is a small village about 22 km northwest of Kunming.It liesin the valley dissected by the Shalangho~2 flowing from southeast to northwest Erhtsun is a
最近,中国注册会计师协会会同深圳市注册会计师协会 调查了原深圳深信会计师事务所1994年执行南昌科瑞集团资产评估和验资业务中的问题。经查实,原深信所及其注册会计师毛裕国、洪
This short paper is meant to record the discovery of the interesting genus, Melonechinus, in eastern Kuangsi, China. It is well known that most species of the