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在5月骄阳似火的海南省海口市。全国近200位经济体制改革的实际工作者和理论研究工作者,聚会在南海之滨的中国(海南)改革发展研究院,回顾总结15年来改革开放的实践,畅谈如何打好建立社会主义市场经济新体制这场攻坚战。中共中央政治局委员、国务院委员兼国家体改委主任李铁映出席了会议并作了重要讲话。他在回顾15年来改革开放取得巨大成绩的时候,形象地说,如果说我们过去的改革主要是拆除旧房子的话,那么自邓小平同志南巡重要谈话、党的14大和14届3中全 Haikou City, Hainan Province, which is hot in May. Nearly 200 practitioners and theoreticians in the reform of the economic system in China, the China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute meeting in the South China Sea coast, reviewed and summarized the practice of reform and opening up in the past 15 years and talked about how to lay a good foundation for building a socialist market economy The new system this tough fight. Li Tieying, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the State Council and director of the State Commission for Economic Restructuring, attended the meeting and made an important speech. In retrospect of the great achievements made in the reform and opening up during the past 15 years, he vividly said that if our past reforms were mainly to demolish the old houses, then since Comrade Deng Xiaoping made important remarks about the southbound tour of the 14th and 14th Central Committees of the Party,
韩国经济自去年开始回升后,今年上半年的增长率达8.5%,全年增长率可望超过8%。专家们预测,这将是韩国经济实现持续稳定增长的开端。 韩国经济的出口外向型特性决定了它始终受
The beautiful scenery of the South Pole and the resources of the North Pole have become the reality with the thawing of icebound navigation route. They attract
EPB Inc公司最近推出一种商品名称为Graflex系统的快换刀架和刀杆,专门用作车削中心上的换刀装置,在加工中可用于车削、镗削、面铣、攻螺纹以及开槽加工。该换刀架可使刀具
美国《商业周刊》最近刊载题为《为全球经济发展提供资金》一文,认为全球经济已经进入复苏状态,但资金问题也将伴随而来。 全球经济在历经多次挫折之后已经进入复苏,而且可
由于计算机、汽车用电容器数量增加,据统计1992年西方各国钽粉的年产量达410t。1992年钽矿石产量合计为547t(按 Ta_2O_5计),其中炉渣195t,精矿等352t。1992年西方各国钽制品
本文研究“数+丝+名”这一结构中的名词,根据名词的语义特征,将其分为四类,这四类名词呈现出从具体到抽象的规律。 This paper studies the nouns in the structure of “n