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  You don’t need drugs or a church for an ecstatic1 experience that helps transcend the self and connect to something bigger…
  In 1969, the British writer Philip Pullman was walking down the Charing Cross Road2 in London, when his consciousness abruptly shifted. He had a deep sense that the Universe is “alive, conscious and full of purpose”. He says: “Everything I’ve written has been an attempt to bear witness to the truth of that statement”.
  What does one call such an experience? Pullman refers to it as “transcendent”. The philosopher and psychologist William James called them “religious experiences”—although Pullman, who wrote a fictionalised biography of Jesus, would insist that God was not involved. Other psychologists call such moments spiritual, mystical, anomalous3 or out-of-the-ordinary. My preferred term is“ecstatic”. Today, we think of ecstasy as meaning the drug MDMA or the state of being “very happy”, but originally it meant ekstasis—a moment when you stand outside your ordinary self, and feel a connection to something bigger than you.4 Such moments can be euphoric5, but also terrifying.
  In most cultures, ecstasy is a connection to the spirit world. In our culture, since the 17th century, if you suggest you’re connected to the spirit world, you’re likely to be considered ignorant, eccentric or unwell. Ecstasy has been labelled as various mental disorders: enthusiasm, hysteria, psychosis6. It’s been condemned as a threat to secular7 government. We’ve become a more controlled, regulated and disciplinarian society, in which one’s standing as a good citizen relies on one’s ability to control one’s emotions, be polite, and do one’s job. The autonomous8 self has become our highest ideal, and the idea of surrendering the self is seen as dangerous.
  Yet ecstatic experiences are surprisingly common, we just don’t talk about them. The most common word used when describing such experiences is “connection”—we briefly shift beyond our separate self-absorbed egos, and feel deeply connected to other beings, or to all things. Some interpret these moments as an encounter with the divine9, but not all do. The philosopher Bertrand Russell10, for example, also had a “mystic moment”when he suddenly felt filled with love for people on a London street. The experience didn’t turn him into a Christian, but it did turn him into a life-long pacifist11.
  I became interested in ecstatic experiences when I was 24 and had a near-death experience. I fell off a mountain while skiing, dropped 30 feet, and broke my leg and back. As I lay there, I felt immersed in love and light. I’d been suffering from emotional problems for six years, and feared my ego was permanently damaged. In that moment, I knew that I was OK, I was loved, that there was something in me that could not be damaged, call it ‘the soul’, “the self”, “pure consciousness” or what-haveyou12. The experience was hugely healing. But was it just luck, or grace? Can one seek ecstasy?
  Pullman thinks not. He says: “Seeking this sort of thing doesn’t work. It is far too self-centred. Things like my experience are by-products, not goals. To make them the aim of your life is an act of monumental13 and self-deceiving egotism.”
  I disagree. It seems to me that humans have always sought ecstasy. The earliest human artefacts—the cave paintings of Lascaux—are records of Homo sapiens’ attempt to get out of our heads.14 We have always sought ways to “unself”, because the ego is an anxious, claustrophobic15, lonely and boring place to be stuck. As the author Aldous Huxley16 wrote, humans have “a deep-seated urge to selftranscendence”. However, we can get out of our ordinary selves in good and bad ways—what Huxley called “healthy and toxic transcendence”.
  How can we seek ecstasy in a healthy way? In its most common-garden variety, we can seek what the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi called “flow”.17 By this he meant moments where we become so absorbed in an activity that we forget ourselves and lose track of time. We could lose ourselves in a good book, for example, or a computer game. Others shift their consciousness by going for a walk in nature, where they find what the poet William Wordsworth18 called “the quiet stream of self-forgetfulness”. Or we turn to sex, which the feminist Susan Sontag19 called the “oldest resource which human beings have available to them for blowing their mind”.
  And then there are the deeper moments of egoloss that one might term a “mystical experience”. Can we seek them? Certainly. That’s what humans have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years, through various ecstatic techniques such as strenuous dancing, chanting, fasting, self-inflicted pain,20 or sensory deprivation.
  One way in which humans have traditionally sought ego-transcendence is through contemplation. Western culture abandoned its own contemplative traditions during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, but in the past 50 years Eastern contemplative practices have flooded in to fill the vacuum.21 Around 9 per cent of adult Amerians meditate, and 15 per cent practise yoga.
  Psychologists and psychiatrists are moving from their traditional hostility to ecstasy to an understanding that it’s often good for us. Much of our personality is made up of attitudes that are usually subconscious. We drag around buried trauma, guilt, feelings of low selfworth. In moments of ecstasy, the threshold of consciousness is lowered, people encounter these subconscious attitudes, and are able to step outside of them. They can feel a deep sense of love for themselves and others, which can heal them at a deep level. Maybe this is just an opening to the subconscious, maybe it’s a connection to a higher dimension of spirit—we don’t know.
W inter nights in rural Maine are marked by a dense silence, reinforced by the snow-laden landscape.2 As someone who grew up in a city, I am acutely aware of this and sometimes find myself straining,
高晓松在《晓松奇谈》讲巴西的时候曾发出感慨: “好像在巴西待时间久了的人都会喜欢上这个地方。”在文学大师茨威格眼中,这里是一个自由、平等、博爱的未来之国。从2010年第一次踏上这个离中国最遥远的国度,到现在已经五年,这五年中我一点点了解这个国家,并见证了它的改变,同时,也看到了生活在这片土地上的人们不变的乐观和对生活的激情。  提到巴西,我们脑中首先想到的就是足球!作为一个足球王国,巴西一直缔造着
还记得2013年底的某个周末,习总书记轻车简从,现身北京街头的庆丰包子铺,亲自排队点餐端盘子,与民众闲话家常。习总微服出巡、走进人群的平民作风,造成了轰动,引发了话题,瞬间在媒体、网络上散播开来,连包子铺都一夕爆红。  群众热议的面向林林总总,食物本身也是焦点之一。包子似乎不再老土,一夕之间爆红,也成了部分网民口中“高端、大气、上档次”的代名词。“包子”的英文怎么说,竟也成了许多人争论不休的话题。
提名:IBE影像生物多样性调查  提名理由  中国是世界上物种最为丰富的国家之一,而社会的不可持续发展给自然造成了巨大的破坏,大量珍稀动物处于灭绝的边缘,一个抢救性的影像生物多样性调查迫在眉睫,IBE在摄影师徐健的主导下应运而生。三年间,IBE影像生物多样性调查的“视觉记录者”,在云南梅里雪山、丽江老君山、西双版纳、四川石渠、藏南地区等11个区域开展18次调查,抢救性地拍摄了十多万幅精彩图片和大量
一.《涉外大饭店》——出人意料的成功  由约翰·麦登(John Madden,曾于1998年导演过极负盛名的《莎翁情史》)执导,玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith)、朱迪·丹奇(Judi Dench)、比尔·奈伊(Bill Nighy)、汤姆·威尔金森(Tom Wilkinson)主演的英国喜剧电影《涉外大饭店》(The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)2012年上映后在
“生日趴”(party)、“万圣轰趴”(home party)、“长推打帕(par,高尔夫球术语)秀投篮,三年级生姚明不一般”1,音译词正在劈里“啪”啦地向我们涌来。是洪水猛兽,还是语言的清新剂?论者各执一词,莫衷一是。其实,音译的历史源远流长,佛经翻译中著名的“五不翻”指的就是五种情况下存梵名、取音译。本文撷取音译的趣例两则2,一睹音译的风姿与魅力。  一、音译词:从清华园、西南联大到香港大学的
Thirteen years ago I fell in love with a white ball of fur that wagged its tail at me from behind the bars of a city dog pound.1 I was about to quit a steady job to follow my dream of becoming a trave
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We can’t grumble about accommodation: we have a new concrete floor that’s always dry, four walls that are painted white, and a sheet-iron2 roof the rain drums on. A fan blows warm air beneath our feet
我上初中才学英语,一开始从字母学起,就这么ABC地一路念下去,背下去。有时同龄的邻居碰面,就会互考字母表,看谁背得对、背得顺、背得快。  那时听说英语有个“美丽”的单词叫beautiful,让十二三岁的我充满了想象。我的学习才起步,不知道怎么写,只知道英语单词要用字母来拼,于是我整天都在琢磨这个beautiful,想要“参透”它的拼法,有一天终于琢磨出来了,心想八成是butfo,因为如果把这5个字