Changes of crop climate risk degree:a case study on cotton in Henan Province

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjh75
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The agricultural climate risk in the geographical transitional zones is very sensitive to climate change. Based on previous researches, this article established the cotton climate suitability model and the risk index to analyze the cotton climate risk degree in Henan Province. The result shows that, in the last 40 years, the cotton climate risk degree has a gradual increasing trend in which the precipitation plays a very important role, and the climate suitability and its deviation have different performances in the influence on the risk change in different phases; the increase rate of risk degree has significant regional and transitional characteristics, for example, from the eastern plain to the western mountains, the risk change rate becomes slower and slower, so the contrast between the central-southern Huang-Huai plain and the Funiu mountains is the most remarkable; and in the north-south direction, the contrast between the fast increase belt from the central-southern Huang-Huai plain to the middle Yellow River and the slow increase belt near the Yellow River is particularly remarkable, which is possibly the results of topographic and climatic transitional belt; and the risk change process also has obvious regional difference. For instance, abrupt change is an important characteristic in eastern Henan where this sudden change type has notable latitudinal difference, while in the western mountainous area it is very rare. Although the temperature change over the 40 years is still increasing in this area, the trend has reduced gradually since the end of the 1980s. The agricultural climate risk in the geographical transitional zones is very sensitive to climate change. Based on previous researches, this article shows the cotton climate suitability model and the risk index to analyze the cotton climate risk degree in Henan Province. the last 40 years, the climate climate degree has a very significant role, and the climate suitability and its deviation have different performances in the influence on the risk change in different phases; the increase rate of risk degree has significant regional and transitional characteristics, for example, from the eastern plain to the western mountains, the risk change rate became slower and slower, so the contrast between the central-southern Huang-Huai plain and the Funiu mountains is the most remarkable ; and in the north-south direction, the contrast between the fast increase belt from the central-southern Huang-Huai p lain to the middle Yellow River and the slow increase belt near the Yellow River is particularly remarkable, which is possibly the results of topographic and climatic transitional belt; and the risk change process also has obvious regional difference. For instance, abrupt change is an important characteristic in eastern Henan where this sudden change type has not able latitudinal difference, while in the western mountainous area it is very rare. Although the temperature change over the 40 years is still increasing in this area 1980s.
【摘 要】发达国家的历史经验告诉我们,积极发展高等职业教育是增强国家“软实力”的一种有效途径。我国科教兴国战略也为高等职业教育的发展带来了契机。城镇化建设及民众对固定资产投资的热情给建筑产业的快速发展提供了广阔的空间,同时也显现了许多不足。建筑人才的缺口越来越大,而高等职业建筑类人才的培养不能满足建筑业对技术型、应用型人才迫切需求的现状。正在发展中的建筑类高职教育也有很多需要完善的地方。  【关键
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