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日前,CNNIC(中国互联网络信息中心)爆出新闻,1999年下半年度十佳网站评选结果业已揭晓,新浪网再度排名在我国互联网站的榜首。作为网络内容供应商(即ICP),“新浪网”的商业模式,似乎得到了社会的认同和支持。随着中国加入 WTO 进程的加快,国内互联网服务商竞争愈加激烈。在基础网络层和基本服务层已经具备一定基础的条件下,增值服务层正在起步,通过开展增值服务 Recently, CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) broke the news, the results of the top ten websites in the second half of 1999 have been announced, and Sina ranked again in the top of our Internet site. As an internet content provider (ICP), the business model of “Sina.com” seems to have gained social recognition and support. With the acceleration of China’s accession to the WTO, the competition among domestic Internet service providers has become more fierce. Under the condition that the basic network layer and the basic service layer already have a certain foundation, the value-added service layer is starting up and the value-added service
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