Microstructure and Properties of Joint Interface of Semisolid Stirring Brazing of Composites

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rita519
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Stirring assisted brazing of SiC(p/A356) composites in air was investigated. A stirring was applied on one of the samples to be bonded at 455℃ during brazing. The filler metal was extruded and impacted intensively on the two surfaces of the base materials during stirring. It can be found that oxide film on the surface of the composites can be disrupted and removed through the observation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The metallurgical bonds formed between the filler metal and the base materials. However, continuous residual oxide film was found at bottom joint interface, which limited the lift of joint strength. A stirring was applied once more after the samples were continuously heated up to 470 and 500℃, respectively. At this time, residual oxide film after the first of stirring can be broken by once more stirring. The bonds are mainly composed of a new alloy, which have a higher content of aluminum and are free of continuous oxide film, showing higher shear strength of 113 MPa than that of the base materials. Stirring assisted brazing of SiC (p / A356) composites in air was investigated. A stirring was applied on one of the samples to be bonded at 455 ° C during brazing. The filler metal was extruded and impacted intensively on the two surfaces of the base materials It can be found that the oxide film on the surface of the composites can be disrupted and removed through the observation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The metallurgical bonds form between the filler metal and the base materials. However, continuous residual oxide The film was found at bottom joint interface, which limited the lift of joint strength. A stirring was applied once more after the samples were continuously heated up to 470 and 500 ° C, respectively. At this time, residual oxide film after the first stirring element be broken by once more stirring. The bonds are mainly composed of a new alloy, which have a higher content of aluminum and are free of continuous oxide film, showing higher shear strength of 113 MPa than that of the base materials.
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1861年,美国南北对立,北方自由劳动制度与南部奴隶制度之间的矛盾已经发展到不可调和的地步,南部各州宣布退出联邦,组织起了“南部联盟”。4月15日,林肯政府发布了讨伐令,统一的美国顿时陷入了内战的烟火之中,南北战争爆发了。  这是一场令人痛心疾首的内战,一个国家的同胞们从此扛起枪对抗起来。美联邦有一位叫罗伯特·李的大将军,听到讨伐令时,顿时泪流满面。他怎么都没有想到自己的国家会陷入到需要战争来维护