
来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jywaco
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随着经济社会的快速发展,纳税人数量迅猛增长,企业组织形式、经营方式日趋多样化、多元化,税源跨市、跨省、跨境流动日益频繁,税收管理的复杂性和艰巨性明显增强。以提高征管效率为目标,以专业化管理为基础,以信息系统为支撑,青岛市地税局创新驱动,持续提升,打造科学高效的税源控管体系。 With the rapid economic and social development, the number of taxpayers has increased rapidly. The form and mode of operation of enterprises have become increasingly diversified and diversified. The flow of tax sources across cities, provinces and across borders has become more frequent and the complexity and arduousness of tax administration has been significantly enhanced . To improve the efficiency of collection and management as the goal, based on professional management, information systems as a support, Qingdao Local Taxation Bureau innovation-driven, continuous improvement, and create a scientific and efficient tax source control system.
华北地区高等学校图书馆协作委员会第十五届学术年会于 2 0 0 1年 9月 10日至 13日在天津市隆重召开。大会由本届值年主席单位天津市高校图工委主持 ,南开大学图书馆承办 ,会
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本工作设计合成了6种新型混胺羧酸根合铂(Ⅱ)类配合物[Pt(CH3 CH3>NH)(NH3)X2](a~f){其中,X=CH3COO-(乙酸根),CH2ClCOO-(氯乙酸根),CHCl2COO-(二氯乙酸根),C6H5-COO-(苯甲酸根
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