
来源 :中华肿瘤防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:g123s123
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目的:探讨顺铂(DDP)联合血卟淋单甲醚HMME介导的光动力学疗法(HMME-PDT)对人鼻咽癌细胞(CNE-2)的杀伤作用。方法:实验分对照组、单独DDP组、单独PDT组和联合组。所用的DDP浓度为0.8和1.6mg/L;光敏剂为HMME,剂量5mg/L,光能量密度为1.2、2.4和4.8J/cm2。联合组为不同剂量单独作用的组合。MTT法检测DDP和HMME-PDT单独或联合作用下24h的细胞抑制率,并用金氏公式分析联合效应。HE染色光镜下观察处理前后细胞的形态学变化,Hoechst染色荧光显微镜观察细胞核。结果:金氏公式分析显示,0.8和1.6mg/L的DDP与5mg/LHMME,1.2、2.4和4.8J/cm2能量密度的PDT,两者联合处理观察到协同或相加效应。HE和Hoechst染色均可见,联合组比单独处理组细胞形态学改变现象更明显。结论:DDP与HMME-PDT联合处理在一定剂量范围内可以协同杀伤CNE-2细胞。 Objective: To investigate the killing effect of HMDP-PDT combined with cisplatin (DDP) and porphyrin monomethyl ether on CNE-2 cells. Methods: The experiment was divided into control group, DDP group alone, PDT group alone and combined group. The DDP concentrations used were 0.8 and 1.6 mg / L; the photosensitizer was HMME at a dose of 5 mg / L and the light energy densities were 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 J / cm2. The combination group is a combination of different doses alone. The inhibition rate of cells treated with DDP and HMME-PDT alone or in combination was detected by MTT assay and the combined effect was analyzed by King’s formula. Morphological changes of the cells were observed under light microscope with HE staining, and nuclei were observed with Hoechst staining fluorescence microscope. Results: King’s equation analysis showed that synergistic or additive effects were observed for the combination of DDP at 0.8 and 1.6 mg / L with PDT at 5, 6, and 4.8 J / cm2 energy density. HE and Hoechst staining can be seen, the combination group than the single treatment group cell morphological changes more pronounced. Conclusion: The combined treatment of DDP and HMME-PDT can synergistically kill CNE-2 cells in a certain dose range.
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