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桩基础在高层建筑施工过程中是至关重要的一项单位工程,一般用于地基相对比较软弱的建筑物,且随着技术的发展广泛适用于高层建筑上。由于基础的结构重要性,施工环节的每项工作都需要做到细致认真,施工质量直接关系到高层建筑地上结构的建设安全和建成后建筑物的使用寿命。一般来说高层建筑的桩基需要打的很深,而高层建筑的上层建设多样复杂,建设所需要的造价较高,施工规范要求十分严格,施工难度较大,这也是近年来我国对于高层建筑施工建设的质量把控越来越严格的原因。本文将对高层建筑施工过程中,桩基工程常出现的一些问题进行探讨,并提出一些具有针对性的施工建议和措施,希望能够对高层建筑中桩基施工过程有所帮助。 Pile foundation is a crucial unit project in high-rise building construction. It is generally used in buildings with relatively weak foundations and is widely used in high-rise buildings with the development of technology. Due to the structural importance of the foundation, every work in the construction process needs to be carefully and carefully performed. The construction quality is directly related to the construction safety of the superstructure of the high-rise building and the service life of the building after it is completed. Generally speaking, the pile foundation of high-rise building needs to be struck deeply, while the superstructure of the high-rise building is diversified and complicated. The construction cost is high, the construction specifications are very strict and the construction is more difficult. This is also the reason that our country’s high-rise buildings The quality of construction and construction to control more and more stringent reasons. In this paper, some problems that frequently occur in the pile foundation engineering during the construction of high-rise buildings are discussed. Some suggestions and measures for construction are put forward, hoping to be helpful to the pile foundation construction in high-rise buildings.
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