Fibre optic distributed scattering sensing system:perspectives and challenges for high performance a

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As fiber optic distributed scattering sensing systems are providing innovative solutions for the monitoring of large structures,the comparison of different techniques and solutions is difficult because of the lack of standardized specifications and the difficulty associated to the characterization of such systems.The article presents a tentative definition of performance specifications and qualification procedures applicable to fiber optic distributed sensing systems aiming at providing clear guidelines for their design,specifications,qualification,application and selection. As fiber optic distributed scattering sensing systems are providing innovative solutions for the monitoring of large structures, the comparison of different techniques and solutions is difficult because of the lack of standardized specifications and the difficulty associated to the characterization of such systems. Article article a tentative definition of performance specifications and qualification procedures applicable to fiber optic distributed sensing systems aiming at providing clear guidelines for their design, specifications, qualification, application and selection.
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