Roasting-induced phase change and its influence on phosphorus removal through acid leaching for high

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhamma
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In the present study, roasting-induced phase change and its influence on phosphorus removal via leaching has been investigated for high-phosphorus iron ore. The findings indicate that phosphorus in the ore is associated with goethite and exists mainly in amorphous Fe3PO7 phase. The phosphorus remains in the amorphous phase after being roasted below 300°C. Grattarolaite(Fe3PO7) is found in samples roasted at 600–700°C, revealing that phosphorus phase is transformed from the amorphous form to crystalline grattarolaite during roasting. Leaching tests on synthesized pure grattarolaite reveal a low rate of phosphorus removal by sulfuric acid leaching. When the roasting temperature is higher than 800°C, grattarolaite is found to react with alumina to form aluminum phosphate, and the reactivity of grattarolaite with alumina increases with increasing roasting temperature. Consequently, the rate of phosphorus removal also increases with increasing roasting temperature due to the formation of acid-soluble aluminum phosphate. In the present study, roasting-induced phase change and its influence on phosphorus removal via leaching has been investigated for high-phosphorus iron ore. The results indicate that the phosphorus in the ore is associated with goethite and exists mainly in amorphous Fe3PO7 phase. remains in the amorphous phase after being roasted below 300 ° C. Grattarolaite (Fe3PO7) is found in samples roasted at 600-700 ° C, revealing that phosphorus phase is transformed from the amorphous form to crystalline grattarolaite during roasting. Leaching tests on synthesized pure grattarolaite reveals a low rate of phosphorus removal by sulfuric acid leaching. When the roasting temperature is higher than 800 ° C, grattarolaite is found to react with alumina to form aluminum phosphate and the reactivity of grattarolaite with alumina increases with roasting temperature. , the rate of phosphorus removal also increases with increasing roasting temperature due to the formation of acid-soluble aluminum phosphate.
目的 探讨多形性腺瘤粘液软骨样组织中纤维的种类及形成机理.方法 采用组织学及电镜组织化学技术观察8例多形性腺瘤.结果 在多形性腺瘤粘液软骨样区域中,散在胶原纤维及弹性纤维构成了该区域的支架结构.电镜组化研究表明,在多形性腺瘤软骨样组织中,含有直径约50 nm的胶原原纤维和弹性纤维团块.在粘液软骨样细胞浆内可见两种分泌囊泡:一种含着色深黑、电子密度均匀、致密的前弹性蛋白分子;另一种含着色灰淡、电子密