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本实用新型提供一种采用扩散吸收式制冷的冰热饮水机,通过如下技术方案实现一种扩散吸收式制冷的冰热饮水机,其组成包括壳体、热水胆及其制热器、冷水胆及其制冷机芯,制冷机芯由发生器、冷凝器、吸收器、蒸发器、贮液罐以及连接它们的气、液管组成。其特征是制冷机芯的蒸发器前 The utility model provides an ice-heat water dispenser adopting diffusion-absorption refrigeration, and has the following technical scheme that an ice-water dispenser with diffusion absorption refrigeration is provided, which comprises a shell body, a hot water tank and a heater, a cold water The gall bladder and its cooling movement, the cooling movement by the generator, the condenser, the absorber, the evaporator, the liquid storage tank and the gas and liquid pipe connecting them. It is characterized by the front of the evaporator of the refrigeration mechanism
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
释放草蛉防治害虫,一般都将草蛉卵(艹泊)悬挂在发生害虫的作物上,待草蛉孵化后捕食害虫。这一方法比较费工。作者在利用中华草蛉(Chrysopa sinica)防治桔全爪螨(Panony-chus
1982年在美国路州大学水稻试验站进行本试验。流行学研究结果表明,品种抗病性、接种体数量是影响纹枯病发展的重要因素。Mars、Melrose 等品种具有中等抗病性,Lebonnet、Belm
1983年和1984年,研究了棉株上接种黄萎病菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)弱菌株对后继感染的强菌株所致病害的影响.接种弱菌株可减轻诱发的棉花黄萎病的病情.弱菌株与强菌株