
来源 :海洋地质译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostraider
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我们认为,目前位于南极罗斯海区巴勒尼群岛之下的地幔柱在约40~45Ma时则在塔斯马尼亚正东,并曾受塔斯马尼亚碱性玄武岩的异常同位素和痕量元素特征的影响。从塔斯马尼亚穿过塔斯曼海向东北延伸的海山链可能是巴勒尼地幔柱的径迹。由此推测,塔斯曼海是在巴勒尼地幔柱上张开的。1 巴勒尼地幔柱 巴勒尼岛链(图1略)是在约10Ma到现在伴同巴勒尼地幔柱一起发生的板块内火山作用的结果而形成的(Wright等,1990)。Duncan等(1989)曾将巴勒尼地幔柱从巴勒尼群岛经(现在的)澳大利亚-南极扩张脊返回到东塔斯曼(喀斯喀特)海台的径迹描绘出来。根据从紧靠巴勒尼群岛最北面海山的磁条带(A5)推测位于塔斯马尼亚东南约 300km的东塔斯曼海台上的索埃拉海山,以及南塔斯曼海丘大陆附近的其它一些火山中心,当其在约10Ma被掩盖在澳大利亚-南极扩张脊之下以前,就可能是在巴勒尼地幔柱之上形成的。 In our opinion, the mantle plume currently located beneath the Barrier Islands in the Antarctic Rose Sea region is located in the east of Tasmania at about 40-45 Ma and has been affected by the anomalous isotopes and trace amounts of alkaline basalts in Tasmania The impact of elemental characteristics. The seamount chain extending northeast from Tasmania through the Tasman Sea may be the track of the Paleune mantle plume. It is speculated that the Tasman Sea is open on the Paleune mantle plume. 1 The Paleune mantle plumes The Barreini chain (Fig. 1) is formed as a result of intraplate volcanism occurring between about 10 Ma and now with the Paleune mantle plume (Wright et al., 1990). Duncan et al. (1989) characterized the Paleune mantle plume from the track of the Paleanniforion returning to the (now) Australia-Antarctic expansion ridge to the sea-front of East Tasman (Cascades). According to a magnetic strip (A5) from seamount close to the northernmost of the Baroni Islands, it is speculated that the Zoera seamounts on the East Tasman Sea, about 300 km southeast of Tasmania, and others near the South Tasman Sea The volcanic center was probably formed above the Paleo mantle plume before it was buried under the Australia-Antarctic Spreading Ridge at about 10 Ma.
以理论上的解析方法推得了Morel第二类海水表面层漫反射率的近似表示式;此表示式与数值计算法所得结果基本一致。 The approximate expression of the diffuse reflectance
韩国海洋研究所隶属韩国科学技术院,是韩国唯一的综合性海洋科学研究所,位于汉城东南——黄海之滨的新兴城市安山市市郊。现有职员320余人,7个研究部,29个研究室。 1 发展概
报道了一种测算不同玻美度及掺杂后海水在190—900nm光谱范围内消光系数、全波长透过率的方法,由此讨论了海水-土壤系统中海水层对太阳辐射能的吸收与其厚度、掺杂的关系. A method to