来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sntengwei
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Electrochemical measurement and chemical immersion test are employed to investigate the inhibition mechanism of Na_2MoO_4 for carbon steel,which is studied in 55%LiBr+0.07mol/L LiOH solution at high temperature.Testing results indicate that the passive film on carbon steel surface is mainly composed of Fe_3O_4,and Mo is involved in the process of film forming,in a form of MoO_3 and MoO_2.The parametric analysis of the evolving potential and the blend potential of MoO_2 shows that Mo mainly exists as MoO_2 in passive film when the concentration of Na_2MoO_4 is lower than 150 mg/L.While its concentration is greater than 150mg/L,it mainly exists as MoO_3 inside the film and exists as MoO_2 outside the film.MoO_4~(2-) is deoxidized as MoO_2 on the surface of carbon steel,which may impede the corrosion of active-site and raise the blend potential of carbon steel,and then MoO_4~(2-) adsorbs onto the defects of the passive film and decompounds as MoO_3 during the process of film forming.The electric field caused by different valence of Mo in passive film may retard the dissolution of carbon steel and lead to an increase in the polarization impedance and a decrease in hydrogen evolution.As a result,heavy concentrated Na_2MoO_4 solution(greater than 150mg/L)has excellent inhibition effect on carbon steel in LiBr solution. Electrochemical measurement and chemical immersion test are employed to investigate the inhibition mechanism of Na_2MoO_4 for carbon steel, which is studied in 55% LiBr + 0.07 mol / L LiOH solution at high temperature. TEST RESULTS indicate that the passive film on carbon steel surface is mainly composed of Fe 3 O 4, and Mo is involved in the process of film forming, in a form of MoO 3 and MoO 2. The parametric analysis of the evolving potential and the blend potential of MoO 2 shows that Mo mainly exists as MoO 2 in passive film when the concentration of Na_2MoO_4 is lower than 150 mg / L.While its concentration is greater than 150 mg / L, it mainly exists as MoO_3 inside the film and exists as MoO_2 outside the film. MoO_4 ~ (2-) is deoxidized as MoO_2 on the surface of carbon steel, which may impede the corrosion of active-site and raise the blend potential of carbon steel, and then MoO_4 ~ (2-) adsorbs onto the defects of the passive film and decompounds as MoO_3 during the process of film forming.The e lectric field caused by different valence of Mo in passive film may retard the dissolution of carbon steel and lead to an increase in the polarization impedance and a decrease in hydrogen evolution. As a result, heavy concentrated Na_2MoO_4 solution (greater than 150 mg / L) has excellent inhibition effect on carbon steel in LiBr solution.
20 0 1年 7月 16日 ,天津天塔粘合剂厂发生爆炸。爆炸引起大火 ,将该工厂厂房和仓库烧毁。据介绍 ,10时 4 5分左右 ,该厂内突然传出一声巨响 ,随后一个直径约 3米左右的橘红
梅尼埃病是临床常见的一种特发的内耳病 ,中青年人发病率高 ,病情反复发作。近年来我们采用刺五加注射液及山莨菪碱注射液治疗本病 30例 ,取得满意疗效 ,报告如下。一般资料3
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他从不站在风口和浪尖  做一个剪径的强盗  他也从不躲在一张帘子后面  做一个机关算尽的人  他更不会在舞台或街头哗众取宠  他只生活在尘世里  渺小得如一粒尘埃  他的勇敢是敢于去承受  承受得了的和承受不了的他都选择  在他眼里没有承受不了的生活  比如爱恨,荣辱,生和死……  那些在我们眼里的千钧之重  他从来没有和我谈论过重量  他有江河一样多的眼泪  洒起泪来也从不含糊  泪能承载的和挥
片名:Slow Burn  译名:怒火慢烧  导演:韦恩·比奇 Wayne Beach  主演:雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta  LL·酷J LL Cool J  茱莲娜·布蕾罗克 Jolene Blalock  迈奇·菲弗 Mekhi Phifer  片长:93分  类型:剧情/惊悚/犯罪/黑帮  上映日期:2007年4月13日  发行:狮门影业Lionsgate  推荐指数:★★★★    
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