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2004年高考虽然已经结束,但今年的高考作文题却受到各方关注和议论。大家普遍认为,今年的高考作文题出得活,出得巧,也出得好,集中反映了出题者的学问和智慧。仔细品味,每个题目,无论从哪个角度,都可以写出好文章。它只会启发考生,而不会束缚考生,更不会为难考生。让考生感到有话可说,这就是好题目。那么,本刊为什么要向小读者介绍高考作文题呢? 外国人说:“最重要的知识是关于方法的知识。”中国人说:“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”这里向大家介绍的不仅有高考作文试题,同时还有部分长期从事语文教学工作的特级教师对这些试题所作的分析。可以断言,大家从这里学到的是写作思路,而不是现成答案;是观察事物的方法,而不是以不变应万变的教条。这种学习比从“快速作文法”之类的书中学到的东西要高明得多,有用得多。这是一层意思。另一层意思是,作文可以小题大作,也可以大题小作。同一个题目,大学生有大学生的写法,小学生有小学生的写法,而且有的小学生的作文不一定比大学生的作文差。让小读者读一读高考作文题,有助于活跃思想,开阔视野,进一步提高读写水平。正是基于上述考虑,我们把大哥哥、大姐姐们2004年全国及11省市高考作文题和有关分析,介绍给本刊读者,相信大家会从中受到启发,获得教益! Although the 2004 college entrance examination has ended, but this year's college entrance essay topic has been all parties concerned and discussed. It is generally believed that this year's college entrance essay question works out, out of skill, but also well out, focused on reflecting the knowledge and wisdom of the question. Careful taste, each topic, no matter from which perspective, you can write a good article. It will only inspire candidates, and will not bind the candidates, but not difficult candidates. Let candidates feel that there is something to say, this is a good topic. So why do we introduce the essay to college entrance essay questions to young readers? Foreigners said: “The most important knowledge is about the method.” The Chinese say: We introduced not only the college entrance essay questions, as well as some of the long-term teachers in language teaching work on these questions made by the analysis. It can be asserted that what we learn from this is the writing train of thought, not the ready answer; it is a way of observing things, not a dogma of unchanging behavior. This kind of learning is much more clever and useful than what you learned from a book such as Quick Essay. This is a meaning. Another layer of meaning is that essay can make a fuss, you can also make a big problem. The same subject, college students have the style of writing, primary school students have the style of primary school students, and some primary school students' composition is not necessarily worse than the composition of college students. Let a small reader read a college entrance essay questions, contribute to active thinking, broaden their horizons and further improve the literacy level. It is based on the above considerations, we put the big brother, big sister in 2004 and 11 provinces and cities nationwide college entrance essay questions and related analysis, introduced to our readers, I believe we will be inspired, get lessons!
在塑料瓶里,飘扬着晶莹的雪花,我们用它装饰圣诞树和小房子吧!只要摇一摇瓶子,雪花就会纷纷飘舞哟! In a plastic bottle, flying crystal snowflakes, we use it to decora
为探讨中国恶性肿瘤高发区粮食中优势污染霉菌毒素—杂色曲霉素 (Sterigmatocystin,ST)的致癌作用 ,运用银染 PCR- SSCP方法分析了不同浓度的 ST(1μg/ ml和 3μg/ m l)对体
加入 WTO 后,国内企业由此全方位进入经济全球化下的竞争环境中。因此,企业要想在日益激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,就必须树立战略成本管理(SCM)意识,创建企业的长期竞争优势
摘 要: 新课标要求学校教学充分发挥学生主体优势,推行素质教育方针,全面实现学生的德育和智育同步提升。语文作为各学科中最基础的学科,势必首先要进行改革。本文以小学语文为例,分析了小学语文在以学生为主体方面的不足,同时提出了相关策略,以提升小学语文教学水平。  关键词: 小学语文 教学 学生 主体地位  1.小学语文教学现状  当前虽然我国大力提倡新课改,也取得了较大成绩,但仍有部分学校在新
目的 探讨p21基因点突变是否与恶性肿瘤的发生发展过程有关,特别是与那些没有p53基因突变的恶性肿瘤发病的关系.方法 结合SSCP分析及DNA序列测定技术,检测346例9种不同组织学类型的恶性肿瘤p21基因的启动子和主要的编码区.结果 346例恶性肿瘤的p21基因启动子未检测到突变,但在P53蛋白结合位点上游及下游处存在多态性变异.仅1例膀胱癌有一杂合性44 bp缺失突变.此外,在编码区内还发现了
目的: 1.识认汉字“太阳”、“魔术”、“彩虹”。 2.丰富幼儿知识。准备: 1.字卡“太阳”、“魔术”、“彩虹”若干张。 2.在字卡后面写上要求。比如在字卡“太阳”后面写