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十余位专家组成的专家委员会保证内容科学、严谨国内知名医学专家权威指导康颐活过100岁倾力之作《黄帝内经·灵枢》言:“智者之养生也,必顺四时而适寒暑,和喜怒而安居处,节阴阳而调刚柔。如是则辟邪不至,长生久视。”顺应天时学养生,过好每一天,活好一辈子!给中老年人的专属四季健康红利!十余位慢病防控、饮食营养、肿瘤防治、心理卫生、中医养生等方面的专家,为你呈现科学、权威的四季健康养生知识 More than ten expert committee of experts to ensure that the content of science, rigorous guidance of well-known domestic medical experts Kang Yi live past 100-year-old effort for the “Yellow Emperor Nei Jing Ling Shu” statement: “wise man’s health also, Cold and heat, and the mood to live in anger, the festival yin and yang and tune rigid. If so, not evil, longevity, long-term vision. ”Conform to the day health, good every day, live a lifetime! Exclusive to the elderly in the four seasons Dividends of more than ten experts in chronic disease prevention and control, diet nutrition, cancer prevention, mental health, traditional Chinese medicine and other aspects of health, to show you the scientific and authoritative health knowledge of the four seasons
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