国民车专辑系列(上) 小车改变了世界

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一个国家,如果老百姓还没有车,却谈汽车文化,那不是文化,是扯蛋!汽车文化不是忽悠出的空中楼阁,而是实实在在的人们因有车而发生的生活方式转变。所以真正能让一个国家进入汽车社会的,不是那些媒体对豪华车的吹嘘,也不是什么专家权威对“家庭车”的论断,而是那些实实在在的小车。尽管它们小,却承载着一个伟大理想:让所有人都有机会拥有一辆汽车,改变人类的出行方式;尽管它们小,却开创了一项项工程科学技术的发明,推动了整个汽车工业的前进;尽管它们小,却装下了亿万人的梦想和生活,也由此改变了整个世界。…… If a country does not have a car but a car culture, it is not a culture. It is a cheating car! Car culture is not a flirtatious castaway, but a real life-style shift for people with cars. So really allow a country to enter the automotive community, not the media boasted of luxury cars, nor is it any expert authority on the “family car” assertion, but those real car. Despite their small size, they bear the great ideal of giving all people the opportunity to own a car and change the way people travel; though they are small, they have created an invention of engineering science and technology that has promoted the entire automotive industry Moving forward; despite their small size, they have brought hundreds of millions of people’s dreams and lives and changed the entire world. ...
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