
来源 :花木盆景(盆景赏石) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:excelong
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2012年9月10日上午10点,第七届全国农民运动会南阳盆景艺术展在南阳市主体育场西侧月季·盆景展示园盛大开幕。河南省委农村工作领导小组副组长、河南省花卉协会会长何东成,南阳市委书记李文慧等领导出席了开幕仪式。仪式结束后与会领导饶有兴致地观看了盆景展览,给予了极高的评价。 At 10 o’clock on September 10, 2012, the Nanyang Bonsai Art Exhibition of the Seventh National Peasant Games grand opening of the Roses · Bonsai Exhibition Park on the west side of the main stadium of Nanyang City. Henan Provincial Party Committee, deputy director of the rural leading group, He Dongcheng, chairman of Henan Flower Association, Nanyang Li Wenhui, secretary of municipal party committee attended the opening ceremony. After the ceremony, the participating leaders watched the bonsai exhibition with great interest and gave a very high opinion.
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