Appreciation of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets

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A sonnet is a poetic form which originated in Italy,and later turns into lyric poetry by a knight of the pen.Among the sonnets,Shakespeare is the highest in poetic achievement.The important poets in every period of the history of English literature such as Shelley,Byron,Keats had written sonnets.In the western great cultural and artistic phylogeny,Elizabeth Barrett Browning is the star warmly gleaming,over sonnets poetry circle softly dreaming.By appreciating the artistic expression of her sonnets,we could explore and get in touch with Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s inner self. A sonnet is a poetic form which originated in Italy, and later turns into lyric poetry by a knight of the pen. Among the sonnets, Shakespeare is the highest in poetic achievement. The important poets in every period of the history of English literature such as Shelley, Byron, Keats had written sonnets.In the western great cultural and artistic phylogeny, Elizabeth Barrett Browning is the star warmly gleaming, over sonnets poetry circle softly dreaming.By appreciating the artistic expression of her sonnets, we could explore and get in touch with Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s inner self.
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【摘要】英语课程是高中教育中的重要课程,随着全球化的发展,人们对英语教学愈发重视。高一新生刚融入新的环境,好奇心较强,极易将精力分散到别处,在学习中处于被动地位,因此,教师应积极采取有效措施,提升学生的自觉性,鼓励学生主动学习,以提升学习效果。本文就高一新生英语自主能力现状及培养进行了研究对策分析。  【关键词】高一新生 英语 自主能力 现状 培养对策  前言:高一新生正处于学习的新阶段,需要教师
【摘要】英语学困生的问题伴随城镇小学英语课程的普及越来越突显,城镇小学英语学困生的形成有主客观两个方面原因。作为新课改背景下的英语教师不仅要传授知识,而且要教会学生学习方法,只有这样才能使英语学困生“脱困”。  【关键词】英语学困生 成因 转化 对策  近年来英语学困生的问题伴随城镇小学英语课程的普及越来越突显,转化城镇小学英语学困生“脱困” 不断出现反弹,为使英语学困生转化的成效可持续,提出把对