The preparation and characterization of folate-conjugated human serum albumin magnetic cisplatin nan

来源 :Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragoncool
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Objective:Nanoparticles are becoming an important method of targeted drug delivery.To evaluate the importance of folate-conjugated human serum albumin(HSA)magnetic nanoparticles(Folate-CDDP/HSA MNP),we prepared drug-loaded Folate-CDDP/HSA MNPs and characterized their features.Methods:First, folate was conjugated with HSA under the effect of a condensing agent,and the conjugating rate was evaluated by a colorimetric method using 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid.Second,under N 2 gas,Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanomaterials were prepared and characterized by using transmission electron microscopy(TEM),SEM-EDS and X-ray diffraction(XRD).Finally,Folate-CDDP/HSA MNP was prepared by using a solvent evaporation technique. TEM was used to observe particle morphology.The particle size and distribution of the prepared complexes were determined by a Laser particle size analyzer.Drug loading volume and drug release were investigated by a high performance liquid chromatography method(HPLC)in vitro.Results:We successfully prepared folate-conjugated HSA and its conjugating rate was 27.26μg/mg.Under TEM,Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles were highly electron density and had an even size distribution in the range of 10-20 nm.It was confirmed by SEM-EDS and XRD that Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles had been successfully prepared.Under TEM,drug-loaded magnetic nanoparticles were observed,which had a round shape,similar uniform size and smooth surface.Their average size was 79 nm which was determined by laser scattering,and they exhibited magnetic responsiveness.Encapsulation efficiency was 89.75%and effective drug loading was calculated to be 15.25%.The release results in vitro showed that the half release time(t1/ 2 )of cisplatin in cisplatin Solution and Folate-CDDP/HSA MNP was 65 min and 24 h respectively, which indicated that microspheres had an obvious effect of sustained-release.Conclusion:Folate-CDDP/HSA MNPs were prepared successfully.The preparation process and related characteristics data provided a foundation for further study,including the mechanism of the nanoparticles distribution in vivo and their intake by tumor cells. Objective: Nanoparticles are becoming an important method of targeted drug delivery. To evaluate the importance of folate-conjugated human serum albumin (HSA) magnetic nanoparticles (Folate-CDDP / HSA MNP), we prepared drug- loaded Folate-CDDP / HSA MNPs and characterized their features. Methods: First, folate was conjugated with HSA under the effect of a condensing agent, and the conjugating rate was evaluated by a colorimetric method using 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Second, under N2 gas, Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanomaterials were prepared and characterized by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), SEM-EDS and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Finaally, Folate-CDDP / HSA MNP was prepared by using a solvent evaporation technique. to observe the particle morphology. Particle size and distribution of the prepared complexes were determined by a Laser particle size analyzer. Drug loading volume and drug release were investigated by a high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) in vitro. Results : We successfully prepared folate-conjugated HSA and its conjugating rate was 27.26 μg / mg.Under TEM, Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles were highly electron density and had an even size distribution in the range of 10-20 nm. It was confirmed by SEM-EDS and XRD that Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles had been successfully prepared. Under TEM, drug-loaded magnetic nanoparticles were observed, which had a round shape, similar uniform size and smooth surface. The average size was 79 nm which was determined by laser scattering, and they exhibited magnetic responsiveness. Encapsulation efficiency was 89.75% and effective drug loading was calculated to be 15.25%. The release results in in vitro showed that the half release time (t1 / 2) of cisplatin in cisplatin Solution and Folate- CDDP / HSA MNP was 65 min and 24 h respectively, which indicated that microspheres had an obvious effect of sustained-release. Conlusion: Folate-CDDP / HSA MNPs were prepared successfully. The preparation process and related characteristics data provided a foundation for further study, including the mechanism of the nanoparticles distribution in vivo and their intake by tumor cells.
35 cases (rnale 24, fema1e 11, 38 eyes)of retinoblastoma (RB) were analysed clini-cally in this Paper. The ages of the patientsrangec1 from 50 days to lO years
写作乏了,坐上地铁,去东交民巷游玩。那里是北京最长的一条胡同,也是老北京英俄德法使馆街旧址,欧式文物建筑群值得观赏。  从天通苑坐地铁5号线,到崇文门倒2号线,出了前门站,绕过天安门广场,转身,迈上高高的石头台阶,一条长长的胡同呈现在面前,这就是东交民巷。站在这古老的街道前,我感觉自己两只眼睛不够使了。尽管处在新时代的美丽北京,可这条街让我仿佛走进了欧洲,大多数欧式旧址要么成了政府机关,要么成了办
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2007年4月19日植保(中国)协会生物科技分会召开第二届生物技术媒体研讨会,旨在通过转基因技术在农业的应用现状和安全性等科学知识的普及,使中国的消费者准确、科学地认知转基因技术,消除由于非科学引导而给消费者带来的不必要恐慌。  生物技术以现代生命科学发展为基础,结合基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程、蛋白质工程等先进工程技术手段,按照预先的设计改造植物体,按人类需求生产出粮食、医药、食品、能源