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财政信用资金是各级财政部门,按照信用原则,采取有偿方式,为支援生产和事业的发展而筹集和使用的财政资金。理应遵循“择优扶持、有偿使用、有利运转、讲求效益”的原则。但事与愿违。我们在对1994年所属县、(市)区的财政决算审计中发现,财政信用资金在投放和使用上仍存在不少问题,亟待加强管理。1、财政信用资金在有些项目投放上缺乏可行性评估论证,盲目性较大。审计中发现有些资金的投放无任何依据,随意性大、讲关系、凭感情,放“人情”款。从而使财政信用资金在投向上出现了偏差,如某区在投放20个项目中有80%的项目缺乏评估论证,并且借款手续与程序也不尽合理,因而造成大量的财政信用资金到期难以收回。 Financial credit funds are the financial funds raised and used by the financial departments at all levels in accordance with the principle of credit, paid way, and supported in the development of production and career. We should follow the principle of “giving priority to support, paying for use, benefiting from operation and emphasizing efficiency”. But things go wrong. In our audit of the fiscal accounts of the counties (districts) that belonged to the district in 1994, we found that there are still many problems in putting the credit funds into operation and in use, and we urgently need to step up their management. 1, the financial credit funds in some projects on the lack of feasibility assessment demonstration, more blindness. Audit found that there is no basis for the distribution of some funds, randomness, relations, feelings, put “human ” section. As a result, there are deviations in the investment of financial credit funds. For example, 80% of the 20 projects put into operation in a certain area lack evaluation and demonstration, and the procedures and procedures for borrowing loans are not reasonable, which has caused a large amount of financial credit funds to expire. Recover.
今年以来湖南省双牌县推出反欠税欠利欠费六条措施,狠抓收入均衡入库,收到了良好的效果,上半年该县地方财政收入实现时间过半,任务过半,比去年 Since the beginning of thi
(一)加强领导,搞好自查登记工作。各部门、各单位要把清理登记基金工作做为当前的一件大事来抓,自治区和各级党政机关、各部门要带头做好自身的自查登记工作 (A) to streng
为了加快财政资金集中报解,防止库款占压,保证国家预算收入准确、及时、足额入库,湖北省广水市实行税款直达国库结算办法。办法规定:征收机关自收汇款的款项,必 In order t
摆正位置 突出职能 力保政务工作稳步、扎实、高级开展富锦市财政局局长王永生政务工作是财政部门形象的聚焦和展示,是领导施政的智囊团和督办处。其牵一发动全身的职能,直接
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必