Protein retention in dextran-grafted cation exchange chromatography:The influence of pHs, counterion

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niqing813
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Polymer-grafted ion exchange adsorbents were of great interest for the development of high-performance pro-tein chromatography in biopharmaceutical and related fields. In this work, protein retention was systematically investigated in ion exchange chromatography packed respectively with dextran-grafted cation exchange adsor-bents containing sulphopropyl (SP) ligand, SP Sepharose XL and Capto S, and non-grafted cation exchange adsor-bent, SP Sepharose FF, using five proteins. With an increase of buffer pHs, retention factors of proteins decreased among all the adsorbents, demonstrating the dominant role of electrostatic interaction for protein binding on cat-ion exchange adsorbents. The evidences further revealed that the scattered positive charges on the surface of pro-tein molecules, rather than net charge of protein molecule, determined protein retention on cation exchange adsorbent. Likely, counterions including NH4+, K+, Na+and Mg2+exhibited distinct influence on protein reten-tion. It was well ascribed to solvent-mediated indirect ion–macromolecule interactions and direct ion–macromolecule interactions. Compared with SP Sepharose FF, polymer structure in dextran-grafted cation ex-change adsorbents ultimately brought about different ligand distributions and smaller pore sizes, thereby regu-lating protein retention in cation exchange chromatography. By comparing the retention of myoglobin andβ-lactoglobulinB in SP Sepharose XL and Capto S, we reasonably speculated that the enhancement of non-electrostatic interaction caused by reducing the space arm length was a major reason for an increasing retention factor of myoglobin in Capto S. The results in this research help us understand adsorption mechanism of protein in polymer-grafted adsorbents and give scientific guidance for the development of chromatographic materials. ? 2020 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
 2000年 8月 29日上午,在北京中国科技会堂 310会议室, TCS柔性控制系统专家评审会在这里召开。在听取了德维森实业(深圳)有限公司有关技术人员作的 TCS系统综述、研制报告、检
编者按:  2009年全国职业院校技能大赛于6月27日至30日在天津举行。南京市玄武中等专业学校经过省市级技能大赛的选拔,有四名学生代表江苏省参加本届大赛并全部获奖,取得了两金两银的优异成绩(计算机网络综合布线、女子晚宴盘发两个项目为金牌,服饰展演、晚宴化妆两个项目为银牌)。其中倪兴旺同学为江苏代表队获得网络综合布线项目一等奖(第一名)的成绩,还被推荐为江苏省计算机代表队唯一代表上台领奖。    
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