扎实的脚步 可喜的成绩——记河北长安胜利汽车有限公司计算机中心主任艾长双

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在世界逐步步入知识经济时代,计算机技术的高速发展及广泛应用是当今时代的最大特征。计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机辅助分析(CAE)等计算机技术,令制造行业、工程设计行业耳目一新,各行业、各企业都纷纷投入大量资金来发展计算机应用技术,从而提高自己的创新能力和市场竞争能力。河北长安胜利汽车有限公司已于1999年11月顺利地通过了国家科技部的验收,正式成为国家级CAD应用工程示范企业。这标志着该公司在计算机应用方面、软件开发方面及CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP接口技术方面已达国内领先水平。回顾近几年的计算机应用技术的发展,该公司计算机中心主任艾长双立下了汗马功劳。1995年初,该公司汽车设计基本处于铅笔图板阶段。设计环境差,技术含量较低,产品开发周期长,产品滞后于市场的需求,进而影响到产品的市场竞争力,影响到企业经济效益,制约了企业的发展。基于这一客观现实,公司决定成立计算机中心,并由艾长双主任负责于1995年3月份开始筹建。首先,他着手进行CAD技术攻关。通过大量的学习与研究,初步解决数据通讯问题和各种CAD软件图形数据交换问题,从根本上解决了微机与外部设备的连接。其次他开始对公司内部的技术人员进行培训。为了技术人员尽快掌握CAD技术,他几乎放弃了所有的业余时间、一方面进行技术攻关,另一方面整理教材和讲义。在1995年一年中仅为科技处和工艺处的技术骨干就举办了四期培训班,累计授课360个课时,使相当一部分技术人员掌握了基本的计算机CAD设计技术,并开始应用CAD进行产品设计。同年他们应用CAD技术成功地研制开发了国内第一辆电动大客车。设计内容包括整车造型、座椅布置、整车所有电气原理及布线图、整车性能参数测试等。 As the world gradually enters the era of knowledge economy, the rapid development and widespread application of computer technology are the most prominent features of today’s era. Computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided analysis (CAE) and other computer technology, so that the manufacturing industry, engineering design industry refreshing, all industries, companies have invested heavily in the development of computer technology, which Improve their ability to innovate and market competitiveness. Hebei Changan victory Automobile Co., Ltd. in November 1999 passed the acceptance of the State Ministry of Science and Technology, has officially become a national CAD application engineering model enterprises. This marks the company in computer applications, software development and CAD / CAE / CAM / CAPP interface technology has reached the leading domestic level. In reviewing the development of computer application technology in recent years, Ai Changshu, director of the computer center of the company, made a contribution. In early 1995, the company’s automotive design basically in pencil drawing stage. Poor design environment, low technical content, long product development cycle, product lags behind the market demand, thus affecting the market competitiveness of products, affecting the economic efficiency of enterprises, restricting the development of enterprises. Based on this objective reality, the company decided to set up a computer center and was headed by Director Ai Changshu in March 1995. First, he embarked on a CAD technology. Through a lot of study and research, preliminary solve the data communication problems and a variety of CAD software graphics data exchange problems, and fundamentally solve the connection between the microcomputer and external devices. Second, he started training technicians inside the company. In order to master CAD technology as soon as possible for technical staff, he almost gave up all his spare time, on the one hand, technical research, on the other hand finishing textbooks and handouts. During the year of 1995, only the technical backbone of the Technology Branch and the Technology Branch held four training courses, accumulating 360 hours of lectures. As a result, a considerable number of technical staff mastered the basic computer CAD design techniques and started to apply CAD products design. In the same year they applied CAD technology successfully developed the first electric bus in China. Design content includes vehicle modeling, seat arrangement, all the electrical principles and wiring diagram of the vehicle, vehicle performance parameters testing.
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