弘扬“听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战”优良传统 推进国防动员和后备力量建设各项工作落实

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新的历史条件下,中央军委、胡主席对当代中国军队和国防建设发展,提出了要坚持“听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战”优良传统的政治要求。在国防动员和后备力量建设领域贯彻落实这一要求,归根结底就是要扎扎实实抓好各项动员工作落实,切实把经得起历史检验、实战检验作为衡量工作成效的根本尺度,在现实军事斗争需求的牵引下,开拓创新抓落实,坚持标准抓落实,较真务实抓落实。一、深刻认识“听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战”的指导意义,切实理清新形势下国防动员和后备力量建设思路听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战,是对我军优良传统的高度升华,是我军性质、宗旨和职能、使命的高度统一。反映在国防动员和后备力量建设上,“听党指挥”就是要求我们必须始终坚持党管武装不动摇,确保国防动员和后备力量建设的正确方向;“服务人民”就是要求我们必须坚持国防建设与经济建设协 Under the new historical conditions, the Central Military Commission and President Hu proposed the political requirements of adhering to the fine tradition of “giving directions to the party, serving the people, and heroically doing good” to the development of the Chinese contemporary army and national defense. To implement this requirement in the field of mobilization of national defense and building of reserve forces is, in the final analysis, a solid grasp of the implementation of all mobilization work, the effective application of historical tests and actual combat tests as the fundamental measure of the effectiveness of the work, and in the actual military struggle Driven by demand, pioneering and innovative implementation, adhere to the standard implementation, more serious and pragmatic implementation. First, a profound understanding of “guiding the party, serve the people, heroic and warlike” guiding significance, and earnestly clear the national defense mobilization and reserve forces in the new situation of thinking Led the party’s command and serve the people, heroic and fierce combat is our fine tradition The high degree of sublimation is a high degree of unification of the nature, purpose, functions and mission of our military. Reflecting on the building of national defense mobilization and reserve forces, “listening to the party’s command” means that we must always uphold the unwavering direction of the armed forces under our control and ensure the proper orientation of national defense mobilization and reserve building. “Serving the people” means that we must Adhere to the National Defense Construction and Economic Construction Association
我省在地方立法中积极探索公众参与立法的形式和途径,其中之一就是在地方性法规审议中广泛征求各方意见,积累了一些好的经验和做法,得到了社会的广泛认同和响应。 In our lo
过了中午,天空就被乌云遮盖了起来,“要下雨了。”老板娘走到茶馆的门外思量着。  下午的时间显得漫长而无聊,这段时间照例只她一个人照料生意,来过几个客人,没用什么就走了,雨下过几阵之后就开始不停地敲打着玻璃,屋子里面变得很暗,她打开了几盏灯,屋里的摆设隐隐反射在窗玻璃上。  没有一张桌上有客人,外面灰蒙蒙的,各种景象透过雨淋的玻璃窗变得像印象派的绘画,电话突兀地响了起来,她很快地接了起来,是孩子的奶