Genetic Analysis of Floating Enteromorpha prolifera in the Yellow Sea with AFLP Marker

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zt20032053
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Extremely large accumulation of green algae Enteromorpha prolifera floated along China’coastal region of the Yellow Sea ever since the summer of 2008.Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity and relationships among E. prolifera samples collected from 9 affected areas of the Yellow Sea.Two hundred reproducible fragments were generated with 8 AFLP primer combinations,of which 194 (97%) were polymorphic. The average Nei’s genetic diversity, the coefficiency of genetic differentiation (Gst), and the average gene flow estimated from Gst in the 9 populations were 0.4018, 0.6404 and 0.2807 respectively. Cluster analysis based on the unweighed pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) showed that the genetic relationships within one population or among different populations were all related to their collecting locations and sampling time. Large genetic differentiation was detected among the populations.The E. prolifera originated from different areas and were undergoing a course of mixing. Extremely large accumulation of green algae Enteromorpha prolifera floated along China’coastal region of the Yellow Sea ever since the summer of 2008. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity and relationships among E. prolifera samples collected from 9 affected areas of the Yellow Sea. Two hundred reproducible fragments were generated with 8 AFLP primer combinations, of which 194 (97%) were polymorphic. The average Nei’s genetic diversity, the coefficiency of genetic differentiation (Gst), and the average gene flow estimates from Gst in the 9 populations were 0.4018, 0.6404 and 0.2807 respectively. Cluster analysis based on the unweighed pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) showed that the genetic relationships within one population or among different populations were all related to their collecting locations and sampling time. Large genetic differentiation was detected among the populations. E. prolifera originat ed from different areas and were undergoing a course of mixing.
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