
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manacewj
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One of the major complications of pregnancy, preeclampsia makes pregnancy term ination inevitable in most cases. Similarities exist between the mechanisms that maintain normal pregnancy, allograft transplants, and, it is postulated, periph eral self-tolerance. In addition, the critical role of the cytotoxic T-lymphoc yte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) molecule in maintaining self-tolerance has been establ ished. Therefore, the frequency of CTLA-4 A49G polymorphism was investigated in severe preeclampsia. Genomic DNA extracted from mononuclear cells of the periph eral blood of 36 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia and 151 healthy women w as analyzed. A49G polymorphism in position 49 of exon-1 of the CTLA-4 gene was studied by the polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorph ism (PCR-SSCP) method. The frequency of the GG genotype was 2 (5.6%) in patien ts and 19 (12.6%) in controls, while the frequency of the AA genotype was 4 (11 .1%) and 60 (39.7%). Interestingly, the frequency of the AG genotype was signi ficantly higher in preeclamptic than in healthy women from the general populatio n (83.3%vs. 47.7%; P=0.0005). These data suggest that heterozygosity in the CT LA-4 A49G allele might be a predisposing factor for severe preeclampsia. Whethe r the observed association results from linkage imbalance with other loci on chr omosome 2 or other polymorphisms of the CTLA-4 gene or even from a preferential transfer and/or expression of one allele from a heterozygous mother to the fetu s will be the subject of future investigations. One of the major complications of pregnancy, preeclampsia makes pregnancy term ination inevitable in most cases. In addition, the critical role of The frequency of CTLA-4 A49G polymorphism was investigated in severe preeclampsia. Genomic DNA extracted from mononuclear cells of the periph A49G polymorphism in position 49 of exon-1 of the CTLA-4 gene was studied by the polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorph ism (PCR-SSCP The frequency of the GG genotype was 2 (5.6%) in patien ts and 19 (12.6%) in controls, while the frequency of the AA genotype was 4 (11.1%) and 60 (39.7%). Interestingly the freque ncy of the AG genotype was signi ficantly higher in preeclamptic than in healthy women from the general populatio n (83.3% vs. 47.7%; P = 0.0005). These data suggest that heterozygosity in the CT LA- 4 A49G allele might be a predisposing factor for severe preeclampsia. Whethe r the observed association results from linkage imbalance with other loci on chr omosome 2 or other polymorphisms of the CTLA-4 gene or even from a preferential transfer and / or expression of one allele from a heterozygous mother to the fetu s will be the subject of future investigations.
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Usually the water head of the pumped storage hydro-plant is high, generally up to 400-500 m, therefore the rock mass under the high-pressure bifurcation pipe ha
To characterize a complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR) previously detected b y G-banding in peripheral blood lymphocytes, as 46,X,-2,-11,-22,-X, +mar 1 +mar2+
患者 女,结婚10年,怀孕4次,第1胎40天左右人工流产;第2胎为双胎,7个月时,不明原因早产两男婴,两男婴体重分别为1520 g和1525 g,表型均正常.第1个男婴存活4~5天后死亡,第2个出生时面部发紫,活了4~5小时死亡,死因均不明,未做任何检查;第3胎与第4胎均在怀孕3个月时阴道流血,B超检查妊娠只有30~40天大小,有胎囊,无胎芽,做人工流产.夫妇表型正常,身体健康,非近亲婚配,无有害