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骆马湖南堤西起皂河闸,东至马陵山麓的小工庄,全长18.3公里,其中皂河闸至支口段腹背临水,渗漏严重,经反复比较各种加固方案,最后决定采用射水法建造地下连续墙进行加固。工程于1990年10月开始造孔浇筑,于1991年1月全部完成墙体浇筑和堤顶路面的复原,共浇筑地下连续防渗墙304米,约3000平方米.墙净高9.5米,墙体厚度0.24~0.28米(一般为0.25~0.26米)。整体防渗效果:墙前墙后测压管水位差在建墙 Llamas Hunan embankment from the west gate of the soap River, east of the Malting foothills Xiao Gongzhuang, a total length of 18.3 km, of which the soap river sluice to the mouth section of the abdomen back water, serious leakage, after repeated comparison of various reinforcement programs, and finally Decided to use water method to build underground diaphragm wall reinforcement. Construction began in October 1990 hole pouring, in January 1991 to complete the wall pouring and embankment road rehabilitation, a total of pouring underground continuous cut-off wall 304 meters, about 3000 square meters. Wall height of 9.5 meters, wall Body thickness of 0.24 to 0.28 meters (usually 0.25 to 0.26 meters). The overall anti-seepage effect: the pressure wall behind the wall before the pressure test tube wall
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迈克尔·亨利(以下简称“问”):《日出之前》(Before Sunrise)是三部曲的第一部,故事来自个人经历吗?理查德·林克莱特(以下简称“答”):我必须说明,我原本并没有策划一个三
1987年度日本全国选煤会议的论文已全文刊载在日本矿业会议1987年第10期上。现将论文名称及作者刊登如下: The paper for the 1987 National Coal Preparation Conference
由煤炭部科技局和阜新矿务局共同主持的GS1000×2000型概率筛、ZSD1894型等厚筛鉴定会于今年8月在阜新矿务局召开。 The GS1000 × 2000 probabilistic screen and the ZSD
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Based on the effect of total internal reflection(TIR)and photonic band gap,a new type of hexagonal-lattice hole-type silicon photonic crystal add-drop filter is