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魏晋南北朝以前,没有真正意义上的山水画,山水画的内容都是作为人物画的背景出现的。魏晋南北朝时,山水画独立出来,成为一独立画科,从此,山水画不断发展,逐渐占据了中国画的主体地位。唐志契称:“画中惟山水最高,虽人物花鸟草虫未始不可称绝,然终不及山水之气味风流潇洒。”后来,尤其是元明清,甚至可以说,绘画的概念就是山水画的概念,我们现在提到“元画”,可能是指的“元季四家”的画,说到“明画”很大程度上是在说“浙派”和“吴派”的山水画;而在清代,居画坛正宗地位的则是“四王”的山水画。 Before the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was no real landscape painting, and the content of landscape painting appeared as the background of portrait painting. At the time of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the landscape painting became independent and became an independent painting department. Since then, the landscape painting has developed and gradually occupied the dominant position of Chinese painting. Tang Zhixi said: “However, the highest landscape painting, flowers and birds and insects, though not the first character must not be absolute, but ultimately less than the smell of landscape flowery and elegant.” Later, especially the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, can even say that the concept of painting is the concept of landscape painting , We now refer to the “Yuan painting”, which may be referred to as the “Four Seasons” painting. Speaking of “Ming painting” is largely a landscape painting of “Zhejiang School” and “Wu School” Generation, home painting altar position is the “four kings” landscape painting.
摘 要:在我国源远流长的历史中,中国优秀传统文化为国家建设与发展起到了一定的推动作用。作为中华儿女,在个体成长及社会建设的过程中既要不断充实自己,同时也要继承优秀传统文化。初中语文课堂教学实践的组织有着继承优秀传统文化的优势,而在学校教育背景下如何在初中语文课堂教学中开展优秀传统文化教育是当下初中语文所应重视的改革方向。本文主要探究了初中语文课堂教学实践背景下优秀传统文化教育的方式方法并提出了一定