Numerical study of time-dependent hygrothermal conditions in depressurized crawl space

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gerryliu1984
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A finite element based hygrothermal model consisting of several interconnected components with varying number of spatial dimensions was applied to analyze the time-dependent temperature and humidity conditions of a mechanically depressurized and ventilated crawl space. Purpose of the depressurization is to prevent the intrusion of radon or other insanitary particles into indoor air. However, in typical foundation structures the depressurization will cause airflow from soil into the crawl space air and it may convey excessive moisture making the hygrothermal conditions potential for mould growth or other moisture-induced biological damage, which is not considered to be acceptable even with the depressurization. Although in general the forced convection of humidity from soil presumably increases relative humidity in crawl space, significant heat capacity of the ground may warm the air flowing into the crawl space and thus decrease the relative humidity. Overall effect of the depressurization on the conditions in crawl space is therefore not trivial. Because a ful-scale three-dimensional finite element analysis of heat, mass and momentum transfer in crawl space and its surroundings would require excessive computational resources, several simplifications were necessary to apply in the model. According to the numerical results, the airflow through drainage layer into crawl space does not seem to have severe effect on the crawl space conditions. Conversely, in cold periods the relative humidity in crawl space is very low because of the air temperature is increased while flowing through the drainage layer.
摘 要:建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计。探索合理配置土地资源的途径,大力推广土地流转给大户经营,实现林业规模化种植,增加农民收入,发展现代林业,把绿水青山就是金山银山的战略思想变成了现实成为当前亟待解决的问题。  关键词:林业生态建设;土地流转;生态文明  习近平总书记在十九大报告中明确指出,“建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计”、“既要绿水青山,也要金山银山,绿水青山就是金山银山
定期清洗或消毒  为了抑制细菌的增长,建议毛巾一周进行一次清洗,即用洗衣液等清洁剂清洗。  不过这种简单的清洗方式无法起到高效杀菌消毒的作用,为了清除那些顽同分子,可以采取以下方法。  1.微波消毒法:把毛巾浸湿后放入保鲜盒,然后放入微波炉中用高火烘3-5分钟,可以有效利用高温杀死细菌和微生物。  2.化学消毒法:使用消毒液浸泡毛巾15分钟左右,再用清水洗净、晾干,同样可以有效杀菌。  3.水煮毛