MPS/CAS Partner Group on Nanotechnology in Catalysis

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coni
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The first contact between Bao Xinhe and the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society goes back to 1989, when he was a Humboldt Scholarship holder in Germany. He worked at the FHI with Gerard Ertl on the surface and catalytic properties of Ag-cluster until 1995, when he returned to China and joined the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The cooperation with the FHI continued in 2000, when a Partner Group was established under the leadership of Robert SchlogI and Bao Xinhe. The group is devoted to the application of nano-related technologies in catalysis, with emphasis on controlled fabrication and dynamic characterization of nano-structured metallic particles and porous materials. In the past years, the cooperation has focused on various carbon nanotubes with special aligned structure and well-defined silver nano-particles in mesoporous materials. The nanostructured catalysts show high performance in methane activation at low temperature and in The first contact between Bao Xinhe and the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society goes back to 1989, when he was a Humboldt Scholarship holder in Germany. He worked at the FHI with Gerard Ertl on the surface and catalytic properties of Ag -cluster until 1995, when he returned to China and joined the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The cooperation with the FHI continued in 2000, when a Partner Group was established under the leadership of Robert SchlogI and Bao Xinhe. The group is devoted to the application of nano-related technologies in catalysis, with emphasis on controlled fabrication and dynamic characterization of nano-structured metallic particles and porous materials. In the past years, the cooperation has been focused on various carbon nanotubes with special aligned structure and well-defined silver nano-particles in mesoporous materials. The nanostructured catalysts show high performance in methane activation at low temperature and in
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