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冯辉,男,1961年12月生,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任沈阳农业大学园艺学一级学科带头人,园艺学院院长,国家现代农业产让技术体系蔬菜细胞育种岗位科学家,辽亍省十字花科蔬菜遗传育种重点实验室主任,辽宁省蔬菜育种工程实验室主任,辽宁省蔬菜细胞与分子育种工程技术研究中心主任;兼任中国园艺学会十字花科蔬菜分会副秘书长,中国遗传学会理事,辽宁省遗传学会副理事长,辽宁省园艺学会秘书长。国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部第九届、第十二届、十三届学科评审专家,教育部高等学校植物生产类专业教学指导委员会园艺类教学指导分委会委员。 Feng Hui, male, born in December 1961, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor. IncumbentShenyangAgriculturalUniversityHorticultureA grade discipline leader, dean of horticulture, the state of modern agricultural production technology system vegetable cell breeding post scientist, Liaoning province cruciferous vegetables genetic breeding key laboratory director, Liaoning province vegetable breeding project experiment Director of Liaoning Province Vegetable Cell and Molecular Breeding Engineering Research Center Director; also served as deputy secretary general of Chinese Horticultural Society cruciferous vegetable branch, Chinese Genetics Society, vice chairman of Liaoning Province Genetics Society, Secretary General of Liaoning Province horticultural society. National Natural Science Foundation of Life Sciences Department of Life Sciences ninth, twelfth, thirteenth disciplines review experts, the Ministry of education of plant production teaching guidance committee horticulture teaching guidance subcommittee.
城市维护建设税(简称城建税 ,下同)是1985年为扩大和稳定城市维护建设资金来源而开征的一个税种。十几年来 ,它在筹集城市维护建设资金方面发挥了一定的作用。但是 ,城建税的计税依
以改进方法从海带Laminaria japonica中提取褐藻淀粉,并人工磺化制得褐藻淀粉硫酸酯,得率分别为1%与2%,多糖含量为60.4%与31.1%,硫锰酯基含量为0.5%与10.2%,分子量为40000和8
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原始报告ORIGINAL REPORTS 江苏省城乡儿童隐抱子虫感染……………………………………………··二…陈有贵,等(二) Crypto’poridluminfec硅ionin infants andchildren of J
紫菜多糖(Polysaccharide from Porphy ra yezoensis Ueda,简称PP) po剂量0.2%能使果蝇的平均寿命延长15.40%(♀)和19.90%(♂);使果蝇的飞翔百分率分别提高42.6%(♀)和46.94%