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畲族是散布在我国东南山区的少数民族,据1990年统计,约有六十三万人,主要分布在福建省宁德地区、浙江省丽水、温州、金华三个地区,江西、广东、安徽三省也有分布。畲族历史悠久,公元七世纪初,畲族人民就已经劳动、生息、繁衍于闽、粤、赣三省交界的地区,被泛称为“蛮”、“蛮僚”、“峒蛮”、“峒僚”。南宋末年,史书中正式出现 According to the 1990 statistics, there are about 630,000 ethnic people, mainly in Ningde, Fujian Province, Lishui, Wenzhou and Jinhua in Zhejiang Province. There are also three provinces in Jiangxi, Guangdong and Anhui provinces distributed. The She ethnic group has a long history. At the beginning of the seventh century, the She people had already worked, lived and multiplied in areas bordering Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces and were commonly called “barbarous”, “barbarous”, “barbarous” and “bureaucratic” . Southern Song Dynasty, the official history book appeared
俗话说,“百草回芽,旧病萌发”。春季是各种疾病多发的季节,特别是心血管病。那么,心血管疾病患者如何才能调整好自己的身体呢?河北沧州市中西医结合医院(市二医院)心血管内二科医学专家给您支个招。  冠心病患者小心病情发作  冠心病是中老年人中最常见的一种心血管病。春天气温不稳定,时冷时热。气温回升,皮肤和肌肉微细血管处于弛缓舒张的状态,血流缓慢,体表血液供应量增加,冠脉血流及流入大脑的血液相应减少,因
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