
来源 :温州市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:illyfei
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温发改检[2011]2 7 7号为进一步规范我市涉车行业价格行为,维护市场价格秩序,促进汽车消费市场健康有序发展,根据《浙江省物价局关于开展涉车行业价格行为专项整治的通知》(浙价检[2011]214号)精神,结合我市实际,决定在全市范围内集中开展涉车行业价格行为专项整治活动。一、指导思想按照纠治并举、标本兼治的工作思路,以“倡导价格诚信,反对价格欺诈”为主题,以打击价格欺诈、价格串通等价格违法行为为重点,以规 Wen Fajian [2011] 277 In order to further regulate the city’s car industry price behavior, maintain the market price order and promote the healthy and orderly development of the automotive consumer market, according to “Price Bureau of Zhejiang Province to carry out the special vehicle involved in the price behavior Rectification notice ”(Zhejianjian [2011] No. 214) spirit, with the actual city, decided to focus on the city involved in the car industry price behavior special rectification activities. I. Guiding Ideology According to the working ideas of simultaneously correcting both the symptoms and the root causes, with the theme of “advocating price honesty and opposing price fraud” with the theme of cracking down on price fraud and price collusion,
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该文系本刊收到曹建文硕士《关于著作时代问题的几点思考》一文之后,特约熊寥博士撰写的。 The article is published in the journal of Dr. Cao Jianwen, “About the Not
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