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随着霍尔果斯口岸的开放,到这里做生意人越来越多,“练摊”(小商贩)的摊位从过去的300多个发展到现在的上千个。在边贸大潮中,农场也有不少人放下锄头去练摊的。这里介绍一个高考落榜后练摊练红火的小伙子。初冬一日,笔者迎着西北的寒风来到霍尔果斯口岸。在检查厅旁边,小商贩的商摊一字排开,迎接着一批批俄罗斯的游客。在喧闹的人群中,一位戴着眼镜的青年个体户特别引人注目。小伙子名叫殷川江,是新疆62团职工。 1986年,殷川江仅以几分之差高考落榜。但他不承认自己是个失败者,坚持自学俄语。前年,霍尔果斯口岸尚未开放,他就看准了行情,花4000元买了间房子,准备做生意,随后又参加了俄语培训班。如今,他的投资可以说是大有收益。在他的摊位前,我见他打着手势,正用熟练的俄语和“老外”讨价还价。须臾,一位高大的俄罗斯商客怀中抱满了青岛威斯忌、新疆啤酒和 With the opening of the Horgos Port, more and more businessmen are here to work. The booths for “training stalls” (small traders) have grown from over 300 in the past to the present one in thousands. In the tide of border trade, there are also many people in the farm who put down their hoes to go to the stalls. Here introduced a college entrance examination after falling practice training boobs. The early winter day, I welcome the cold northwest to Horgos port. Beside the examination hall, small vendors stalls lined up to greet a group of tourists from Russia. Among the noisy crowd, a young individual with glasses attracted particular attention. The young man named Yin Chuanjiang, Xinjiang 62 Mission employees. In 1986, Yinchuanjiang only a fraction of the entrance examination. But he does not admit that he is a failure, insisted on self-learning Russian. Two years ago, Horgos Port has not yet opened up, he spotted the market, spent 4,000 yuan to buy a house, ready to do business, then took part in the Russian training courses. Today, his investment can be said to have great benefits. In front of his booth, I saw him gesturing and bargaining in skilled Russian and “foreigner”. Suphanburi, a tall Russian business traveler arms full of Qingdao Wisconsin, Xinjiang Beer and
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