Phosphorus budget of redeye mullet (Liza haematocheila T. & S.) under graded feeding levels

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxjswordin123456
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Experiment on phosphorus budget of redeye mullet (Liza haematocheila T. & S.) was con- ducted at water temperature 21℃ and salinity 33. The results showed that the growth phosphorus (phosphorus that allocated into growth, GP) increased from –30.84% to 15.83% by feeding on graded amount of diets (starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% body weight and satiation). The GP linearly increased with feeding levels (FL) as GP (mg) =–0.785 + 0.604 FL, and at satiation the relationship between GP and body weight (BW) was GP (mg) = 1.5991 BW 0.768 5. In the budget, IP (intake phosphorus) = GP + FP (faecal phosphorus) + EP (excretion phosphorus). FP showed an irregular tendency with different feeding levels, and EP decreased with increasing feeding levels but rebound at satiation. The P budget at satiation was 100IP = 15.84 GP + 64.62 FP + 19.55 EP. Experiment on phosphorus budget of redeye mullet (Liza haematocheila T. & S.) was con- ducted at water temperature 21 ° C and salinity 33. The results showed that the growth phosphorus (phosphorus that allocated into growth, GP) increased from -30.84% to 15.83% by feeding on graded amount of diets (starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% body weight and satiation). The GP linearly increased with feeding levels (FL) as GP (mg) = -0.785 + 0.604 FL, and at satiation the relationship between GP and body weight (BW) was GP (mg) = 1.5991 BW 0.768 5. In the budget, IP (intake phosphorus) = GP + FP (faecal phosphorus) + EP (excretion phosphorus). FP showed an irregular tendency with different feeding levels, and EP decreased with increasing feeding levels but rebound at satiation. The P budget at satiation was 100 IP = 15.84 GP + 64.62 FP + 19.55 EP.
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